Wednesday, March 15, 2017

When I Realize I Have All I Need Now

Everything in stoicism says it. Accept what you can control and be at peace with what you cannot control. Life is that simple. Now we can search the astrology for answers, pray for answers, do all kinds of number charts and readings but when you realize all we are is all we are, this 5 senses family we are born into, this body we are born into, this culture we were born into, this country, this civilization, is it, what will I do to make my life as comfortable as possible?

Men seem to be more at home in their body, mind, and business at hand.  Most men I know don't seek guidance from a psychic or numerology reading to decide their next move in life or the success of it. Most are not looking for a plastic surgeon to correct an imagined deformity of the body, neither a  reduction or enlargement.

And men are in charge of most everything on earth, maybe it is because they know they are enough, and they take the responsibility of their actions, good and bad when it comes to business.  They were born with everything they are: their confidence, lack of care about what others think, the need to counsel someone before making most decisions, their nose, their family, their opportunity, their lack of it and they get busy doing something. Arrogance and pride seems to take them a long way, are these really negatives traits? Or actually good traits when taken in moderation?

Men seem to be interested in a challenge to overcome and making things more functional in life. Thus the reason they innocently may give women a present of a better dishwasher or vacuum. They love a new wrench to fix the plumbing so they do not see why a woman would not like a better appliance.

Men think it is great to make life more comfortable and most are not afraid to do whatever the heck they want to do, regardless of what the outcome may be.  This is sometimes to their detriment, but they do it anyway. The only concern for their body is, can I function to perform bodily daily needs? Eating, etc.

Think about it. Women bring spiritualism, astrology, angel readings, Feng shui, into the house for making life bring them the 5 senses success women want, maybe women could just relax and believe things will work our in time with some patience.  Men rely on self and begin doing something in the 5 senses world to make their lives happen, not always patient either, they make choices that are bad and costs dearly in the 5 senses.  But the DO something outside of wishing and praying,  Maybe women did this originally because the time and culture prevented women from having any voice or ownership of property in their lifestyle? Maybe this was true then but this is now in the USA.

Good men, confident men, loving and kind men, are not in the way of  kind, successful women, men like the excitement of being with this woman.  I do not believe men in general are the enemy.  I think it is the inability to appreciate what each sex brings to the table that causes division, along with antiquated religious rules of how each sex should behave. Women in general do not know how to set boundaries without anger and then hold to it.      

When I realized I have all I need now, to have the life I want, a mind that can think and reason, an able body, shelter and food, freedom to speak in this country, the ability to choose a good mate that loves me, access to read and learn from those I choose, I became grateful.

Through meditation (I sit quietly and think) I became peaceful, I have discovered to have my inner peace, I need to study peaceful practices and apply them to my everyday thoughts. But this does not mean this will work for you or that you need to do what I do.  My husband meditates best while riding a bike.

He always is present when interacting with me.  He sees things are good or not good and works to make things better. He has learned to listen without offering suggestions unless asked. He does not want to throw in the towel on our relationship and try again with the another woman.  

We decided we would make this life work together and we do not look back. The thought everything must be my way or else we are calling this relationship "Quits" is shutting down really good marriages everyday.  Do you think you are going to live forever? It takes a long time to raise a child and it takes along time to truly know another person, inside and out, and achieve unconditional love between two people not bound by blood.

My Sweetheart's kind heart and cheerful attitude over every negative situation has been puzzling at times but in time I see he is so good for me, and this is it.  Patsy Cline once said about her husband Charlie,  "He might have been a headache but he was never a bore!" (I relate to this completely)

Whatever life we have now, this is it.  I can change if I want more, I am in control of my life.  I can make any move when I am ready, no one is stopping me but me.

I have all I need now.

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