Saturday, March 25, 2017

No Religious Leader Ever said, "You Are Enough!"

Really?  How many times have I read this?  How many times have I heard motivational and new age spiritual teachers say this?  And how many times do I say to myself, "What the hell does that mean?"

Most of my generation was brought up in the traditions and church of our parents.  We sang hymns that told us we were "wretched" sinners and if you were brought up in the Jewish faith you have so many rituals of how to do everything that if a guest puts a buttered roll on the incorrect dish, the whole set must be thrown out.  Or at least that is what a Jewish friend told me one time when I did this.  She looked around and said, "I don't think anyone saw this but me, so let's not say anything, I love these dishes."

My Catholic friends were so busy trying to think of a sin for confession that week that I hit my knees that night in thanksgiving I was neither Jew nor Catholic. With my Southern Belle training to be a "step and fetch it woman" being polite 24/7 left me acting as if I were a doormat.  As long as "I" don't hurt anyone's feelings, the message to me is "my" voice, my feelings do not matter. These religions would have driven me to an early grave.

So now decades later after a lifetime of an ordinary life, just trying to be a good person, a good wife and a good mother, these new age teachers tell us, "We are enough, we can do anything we want." Really?

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