Saturday, March 25, 2017

Wings to Fly

Then the day comes that all of us that are working for someone else, trading hours for dollars discover this is not the way to personal freedom, financial or otherwise, we begin to seek other forms of income. Or do you just give up and give in to the 9-5 mentality till you slide into the grave?
Starting your own business is a dream, becoming famous, being your own boss, deciding when you work and how much you make is up to you now. Scary huh?  Your life and income is in your hands now, what to do?

Or should we just settle and be thankful that to be alive and have a job is enough? Oh yeah and then there's that teaching to be grateful, so we do our grateful list again this morning.

Is it because of this early dependence on others for a paycheck to survive brainwashing that leaves so many of us frustrated?  Are we wondering how many more times do I have to try before I see my dreams come true?  Or do I make peace with myself today and try to chillax for last third of my life?  

Chillax, tell myself my life is good enough even though my dreams were not reached. Peace is in the moment not when a future dream is achieved according to Eckhart Tolle.

People are leaving the churches in droves today and maybe this generation is in a transitional phase and that is why they are angry about so many things out of their control. 

If how to start and run your own business was taught in elementary school, there would be more independent and happy dreamers living their dream.  And if how to keep trying when a negative situation arises in life, knowing we will rise above the negatives, to believe in ourselves to figure out anything, I think we would actually grow wings and fly!

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