Thursday, March 2, 2017

People Are More Wonderful The More I Know About Them

My Sweetheart and I went to see Tommy Emmanuel at Troy Music Hall tonight.  To our surprise we met 5 wonderful new people.  Tommy's opening act was Joe Robinson, his protege who won Australia's Got Talent 2008.  He is currently touring and opening for Tommy.  Joe was as amazing as Tommy with his own style, yes we bought his cds.

Joe told an endearing story of living in the outback of Australia.  His family did not have hot water until her was ten y o.  He said, "That was a game changer for sure."  He got up at 5 to chop wood and start the fire to have the hot water and in the process found he liked to burn things up, his first arson dream was to burn down a McDonald's.  So he wrote a song titled "Flaming Arches."  What a hoot!
Great song, the music, and well you have to go to youtube and listen.

Tommy Emmanuel played the guitar like a harp.  He played faster and faster. You had to really look to try to keep up with his hands.  (Chet Atkins was his mentor.)  TE supports a foundation "Guitars for Vets."  He says and truthfully so, "Music heals." Tommy sells his guitars to raise money to buy guitars for the foundation.  He also said, "What good are these guitars to hang on the wall for my family to look at when they can be sold and buy so much more for others (Military Vets) to enjoy."  TE's heart is pure gold.

The light show in his background while he played made the performance even more spectacular.
I met three wonderful ladies there, Sarah, Jean, and Julie.  They heard of Tommy last Sunday and came tonight to see him in person.  Their energy was so loving and peaceful. Two sisters and their Mom.  The sisters were taking such gentle care with their mother.  The mother tapped her fingers along as Tommy played, smiled as her daughters kept time nodding their heads in unison to the beat.   Fun ladies, great night. People are more wonderful the more I know about them.

5 more wonderful folks to see and all of them equally great.

Life is good and getting better everyday!

Good people everywhere we go and I am so thankful to see each of them.

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