Monday, March 6, 2017

Everyone Has a Recipe for Happiness

My husband and I were talking about HOW to be happy.  If you listen to gurus they all teach, it is in your mind.  We know this by now.  I know for us, no matter what kind of day we are having or if the day is not a good one, (You decide what makes it bad here)  we can think of our children and we smile.  Our children make us happy whenever we think about them.

There are many, many, books with formulas of how to get happy.  But I don't think there is a formula for it that fits all of us.  Happiness has nothing to do with lack of comparison to others, or selfless service, these can help you like yourself better but to be happy, I don't think so...

When my Sweetheart and I think of each other we can smile, this marriage has been through almost everything imaginable and we have figured out ways to move around all obstacles with our love intact. This kind of strength and understanding we both have for each other now makes us happy.  We know each other more as the years go by.  It has taken decades to really delve deep into our motives and actions to see why we do what we do and what we need to change to be the persons we want to be.

To articulate this is very helpful.  Finally because we learn to not judge each other, we are getting to the heart of every chaotic action and thought we have had.  It is freeing to be this close, this happy with each other after all these years. It is like our first kiss.  

Life is not going to be happy all the time and without the unhappiness, HOW can we know happiness.  With every giving there is a receiving, the yin yang principle is always at work.

I think being present without judgment is happiness. What do you think?

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