Friday, March 3, 2017

"What" Not As Important as HOW

Details, details, details, we are so concerned with every little detail!  And if a detail is not explained to my satisfaction I will doggedly keep needling until I get the answers to that detail!  Meanwhile bigger issues are at hand and one is the "HOW" of every situation.

Religious wars are separating churches over details of the birthday of Jesus.  Differences in interpreting details of  any situation are landing people in courts of law every day.  Details of what is mine and what is yours, causes couples to linger years in divorce court over things.  Custody battles can go on until children are grown adults and the custody does not matter anymore.

What did you say?  When did you say it? Why did you say it?  Is this really the important point?

How about we focus on moving on, the bigger picture.  How about we figure out how to best serve one another in peace knowing life is not and never will be perfect? How can we live in peace and harmony?   The "HOW" is much more beneficial to everyone.

The HOW involves critical thinking skills where we all can offer ideas and move on.

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