Friday, March 3, 2017

Each Moment is Enough to Concern Self With

The chaos of the mind can be eliminated by losing "time."  Eckhart Tolle author of The Power Of Now teaches that we are so caught up in worrying about the past which we NOW have no control over and worrying about the future that we NOW have no control over that we spend too much time in stress mode which can lead to sickness.  Sickness is your body saying, "Time out!"  If you won't give me, the body a rest, I'll take one without your permission.

The ONLY way  to get out of stress mode is to live NOW, the present moment, for in this moment there is nothing to worry about.  Watch animals, true if they could think like humans they might live longer and prevent accidents, but...they take life moment by moment as it comes, no stressful thinking.

ET teaches to live in this moment and only access past time or future time as needed to exist, (Ex. make appointments, remember a renewal date.) is to slow down the aging process.  When we worry we cause premature aging in our bodies.

Once again the only control any of us have is over our mind and then only if we choose to take control of it and block out worried thoughts. It takes daily study, meditation, and practice but it can be done.  I am working on this NOW.

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