Thursday, March 30, 2017

Negative Ninnies Should Never Be Supervisors

Today I was discussing solutions to new policy change at my work.  The details of the change are not important, the discussion I had with a supervisor offered various solutions to the challenge.  This person does not and cannot think outside the box.  He openly admits he has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and is on meds for it. He tells of the ritual he goes through just to do his laundry.

He washes tee shirts, dries them and hangs them in a certain order.  The hangers have to be spaced just so and the color coordination is his own design.  For God's sake they are tee-shirts!  He cannot let anyone else do his laundry ever.  That is just one of his idiosyncrasies. He has OCD, OK I get it...

Frankly these do not concern me.  But when he has a ritual for everything he does and an ego to be right all the time, plus cannot accept any new ideas as a plausible solution or say thank you when information I offer works out, this makes for a bad working environment.

Today I offered about 5 viable solutions to a new problem at work.  This problem I had discussed with 4 other people, outside of my work place, all inventors of original ideas like me and educated in this field that the problem exists. Everything I offered, he immediately said,"That won't work."  Then I would explain another possible solution to what he just said would not work.  Then I offered another one, he insists "That will not work." After about five ideas he has not even considered were shot down, I said, "Ok."

Inside I said to myself, "Something will work, I will find it, and I don't need you to see the solution as long as I come up with one that eliminates the problem for me."

Negative ninnies are impossible. Debbie Downers and Donnie Downers... I wish on an application there were questionnaires to weed these negative ninnies out of any supervisory position.  To have to work under a negative ninnie until I can get free becomes a 007 operation.

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