Friday, April 14, 2017

Going to The Movies Will Divide Us More

A Facebook post from a friend I follow about a new movie coming out showing the prejudice between a rich man and an immigrant is once again too simplistic to really approach the problem.  

The latest brainwashing tactics from Hollywood will be actors getting together with writers to make movies that reveal that the problem, (according to them) is rich people like Donald Trump. OK...

The very people that Hollywood actors portray and the very people that write these scripts are rich people too. They all live in gated communities and get their money from people like you and me. They live the lifestyle of the rich with no apologies for their misgivings and mistakes

I can never forget years ago when Barbara Streisand spoke out about how she had to do "her part" to help prevent global warming.  She could not sit by in silence any longer,  she did a concert, donated the money to the cause and because she felt it was 'her duty, her responsibility' as a famous face, to TELL us, average Americans we need ..."To cut off our air conditioners for so many hours each day to do our reducing global warming" 

Meanwhile ... she had 5 houses at the time, with servants that lived there 24/7 year round to maintain the properties.  How many A/C units were on her palatial five properties to maintain comfort for her household servants, plants, and pets, while she told us to turn ours off? 

If you want to truly help entertainment industry, give your money and spare time to charities you support to educate others with facts instead of announcing what we average Americans must do to be an informed activist like you.  

Many of us are informed, we just think different in how to accomplish the same goals.
The world has enough anger, let's find another way to disagree kindly as we work on a solution together.  

Going to the movies is not going to help I see...

Part Two Tomorrow, something people don't suspect when watching a movie...

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