Sunday, April 9, 2017

Peace Does Not Mean Life is without Troubles

The Dalai Lama teaches we all just want be happy. The problem he teaches, is, we have become confused. "People are to be loved and things are to be used, now too many people love things and use people." People look to things to make them happy instead of looking within to find calm waters.

The irony of this is that most of the world is sitting on the throne of enlightenment and consciousness but we don't know it.  When you don't have much it is much easier to look within. Confidence, respect, happiness, patience, and joy, that are found within are the true freedom everyone is seeking.

I listened to the Dalai Lama and his struggles to restore Tibet to his people for 50 years, and meanwhile he travels the world with his teachings of how to achieve inner peace.  He is very clear to impart the wisdom that peace does not mean there will not be trouble.  Life has troubles, that is life. He knows to teach inner peace/compassion is his purpose. He is thankful to be here even though he is sad he is homeless. (Without Tibet)

Today I listened to Maya Angelou share a speech "A Rainbow In The Clouds."  She spoke of life as being a struggle and how she loved  every bit of her life. "Life is a struggle and that is life."  She said if we look we can see the rainbows in our life, people that paid a price for us to be here, and we should thank them for this. She is thankful to help others find their peace with her voice of experience.

It seems the wise ones all come to this realization.

Life is a university of adventure, a challenge to direct our paths to the purpose of our joy, with ups and downs that build our strong character, life can be fun, to see this is to become happy.

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