Wednesday, April 26, 2017

We try to Float Magnolias in the Toilet but Seem to Fall Short

A friend called to see if we were home so she could stop in and chat on her way up north. Of course we said "yes!"  Then we turn to the house.  Since the kids moved out there is no deadlines to do anything around here and we both, wanting to be minimalist in our lifestyle we have taken to dejunking our living space.  We have gone through cabinets, consolidated dishes, computer parts, recycled and stored or given away so much and now with kids out of the house, deciding what to keep and what to move out...It is a lot!

So I tackle a room by putting everything out of the room in a hallway.  When someone comes my Sweetheart says, "Ok where do I move these boxes now?"  So if I'm not done sorting and recycling
I put them in another room.  Yesterday my Darling said "Well I see you are making progress, there are not as many boxes as before. I will be thankful when I do not have to touch boxes anymore." Me too. Thanks for noticing dear.  I am trying...

Then after working and being tired, I came home and just did not have the drive to "Float Magnolias In The Toilet." Make my house look like House Beautiful before our guest arrived. Heck it was all I could do to muster up the energy cleaning the three bathrooms.  So I took a nap.  Our guest came later which was convenient, napped, got up, cleaned, cooked, and was seated drinking water waiting. I know my house is not where it will be as I methodically get through 30 years of memories and let go of unnecessary items but it is coming into focus.

This is why I posted Erma Bombeck's list of "things she would do if she had her life to live over."
One of these was "I would have invited friends over even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded." Getting older and dropping the illusion of anything about me being perfect is so liberating. I understand the mind and the environment are closely related in how it is arranged. I agree...

To let go of so many things in this house is truly to let go of the need to keep stuff just in case I need it one day... this comes from what I call "Depression Era Mentality."  you know the mindset of the parents that lived through the depression and almost starved or watched others starve?  Waste not, want not. Time to move on...breathe in, breathe out, Move on... I want my house to be an oasis of beauty to share with anyone we call "friend," to visit anytime and relax.


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