Friday, April 7, 2017

Why Get Educated? The 14th Dalai Lama spoke to this best...

At another speech The Dalai Lama gave at the university he once again teaches the ways of peace. (See  You Tube - HH Dalai Lama: The Nature of Happiness, Fulfillment and Embodiment ~ ((Macalester College March 2, 2014))

The Dalai Lama said though education makes you smarter it does not make you compassionate.  The facilitator then asks "So what lessons would you have for us as educators, teachers, students, that will create a form of education that will make us more compassionate?'  He answers...

"Education matters to develop intellect. Purpose of education is to reduce gap between appearances and reality. Modern education insists teaching on material value not sufficient attention paid to the inner value."

He goes on to explain thousands years ago churches founded educational institutions and the church took care of inner person. Now with progress technology growing so fast educators focus on science of this more than spiritual care of persons.  Science deals with matter, religion deals with inner values, two very different fields but faith, deals with compassion.

He teaches, "Science cannot prove the existence of God or disprove existence of God and therefore it is separate things. These should not be seen as a conflict.  Science in the future will delve deeper and see connection between it and compassion but that will take a few more decades."

What science does know now through tests is that bad, negative, violent, thoughts cause pain and suffering even sickness in the human body.  We must choose to control our own thoughts to peace.

For now we must discipline our thoughts through meditation and kindness.  

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