Monday, April 17, 2017

If We Couldn't Laugh, We Would All Go Insane!

My husband and I were riding our bikes down a back country road that we have walked, ridden, and I have run many, many, times for many decades since moving to Selkirk.  I have known families on this back road that have moved away for whatever reason and I see a new house built maybe 10+ years ago that a lady I used to know told me about years before it was built.  I knew her from our children's elementary school, she was the friendly secretary there.  She told me this house was their dream house.

She said she and her husband had some land on this back road and when she retired from the public school system they wanted to build this house.  She was such a wonderful person.  She and I would joke and talk friendly conversation.  She used to tell me I was invited to her house for a visit but with life and my own work I never made the time.  I have seen her house from afar and see it is a beautiful country home set back in the woods.

As we were riding by on bikes, I thought if she and her husband were home I'd stop in and say hello. Seeing it was Easter I knew they probably were away at a family dinner since there were no cars at the house.  I had a impromptu thought I'd like to see the building out back and it would be harmless to just ride into the driveway, see the property and ride out.  I thought now that I have more time I think I will call her and come over for a visit soon.

Then the watchdog neighbor came across his yard with his dog very aggressively towards me as I was riding out of the driveway. His wife standing on point behind him.  Seeing the man striding ardently towards me, I said, "Hello." No answer. We had ridden by these folks before this house and they did not raise a hand of friendliness even though we were the only four people on this road.  I smiled and rode on.  I thought about this aggressive behavior born out of their genuine concern, was overkill on his part seeing no one stopped or got off a bike to go near a building. People.

Now on to the neighborhood we first settled in 38 years ago.  Most of the neighbors had died, this small community of houses, we all knew each other so well back then. Decades ago we had fun chatting in the back yard. Shared cookies and dishes in the summer, the neighbors loved me because I had the only babies in the neighborhood. Our family was invited anytime to visit and swim in their pools. Nice neighborhood. Such a sweet memory, such good people.

We rode passed these houses now occupied by new residents and they waved at me and smiled.  I stopped to meet someone new and he was so friendly and open in conversation and smiles. None of these folks were afraid I was up to no good even though they had never seen me before and I thought what a difference in people in our old neighborhood and those back at Pictuay Road.

Our house is back from the road. The driveway is 1/4 mile away from the main road.  Occasionally a car or truck drives all the way to our house to take a look and I actually think, maybe a new friend. Many times curiosity is cured with a look, I don't mind, I drive down private roads to look too. No harm, just looking.

How different all our lives would be if we thought good of everyone we met until they give us reason not to.  If we couldn't laugh at such people as the watchdog couple we would all go insane.

Inner peace causes outward actions of peace for benign situations.


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