Sunday, April 2, 2017

Ferris Wheel Top Stop

What is it about Ferris wheels that make us want to stop on the top?

Last night we were walking by one and decided to jump on.  I said to my Sweetheart, "Let's kiss like in the movies at the top of the wheel.   As was wanted, the Ferris wheel stopped at the top to let more people get on at the bottom.  We enjoyed the view, the lights of the beach, the ocean waves in the moonlight.

My Sweetheart said, "We have never ridden a Ferris wheel together."

Hard to believe, I have taken the kids to Great Escape so many summers I cannot recall and I have ridden all sorts of thrilling rides with the little dears.

So I say, "This is romantic just like in the Notebook movie!"

He leans over  while finishing up a yawn and gives me the kiss I wanted...

Not exactly romantic, but dutifully as he has loved me all these 40 years, he tries to accommodate me once more.

Is it me or does this couple look like they are a laundry mat?

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