Thursday, April 6, 2017

Plagiarism is Everywhere...Kind of

There really is no new philosophies to teach now but there are many new ways to implement them. All explanations are an expansion of old ideas already written. The old school way of "Just Do It" does not work anymore.  People have questions and recognize the hurt that needs to heal before moving on.  

Good to take the time to heal, take as much as we need and in the end it is a matter of "Just do it." The right thing to do is only a thought away once you decide what it is.

Eckhart Tolle refers to philosophers and Jesus constantly. He put his spin on the old ideas and somehow he makes it live more than the KJV does.  Good.  We need good solid principles with understanding to apply it in our lives, for without understanding, we will not move to a positive change.

Thankful for all the writers of books and the ability to read.  

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