Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Comparing Men to Women Will Never Work

Physical strength rarely if ever can be compared between the sexes.  Although it is true women have a physical pain threshold that is capable of handling internal pain 9 times higher than men,(Science attributes this to nature helping the female give birth,) when it comes to the physically lifting of great weight men will surpass women.  To think there is a war between men and women in the comparison of anything is not productive at all. Male and female were physically created to fit together to reproduce a certain way, why would the universe put us at opposites in every other way? It is reasonable to believe we are opposite in every way to create a balance for a productive union and outcome. (Positive for the world)

Sometimes I think 'warrior' mentalities see us as an ant farm down here put in space by a cosmic warlord to watch us mix it up and see what we will do. There are owners of real ant farms that shake the glass container to cause turmoil for these captive insects.  This is very unkind behavior that any reasonable person would not do. Likewise whatever put earth in a spinning orbit, with us on it would not want us fighting, killing one another, and destroying our home. There is a way to live peacefully but we must believe in inner peace, we must find it, nurture it and then live it. Only then will we find unity with anyone including the opposite sex. Women giving themselves permission to live the immorality of male thinking is not liberation, it is not equality, it is lowering ourself to a level we need no more.

My mother once told me, "If this world is ever to be morally upright it will be up to the women to make it happen."  My husband says,"Unfortunately I agree."

This unity, this morality will not happen if we remain warriors with one another.  Men have proven they will fight, it is what they do best.  Women need to stop using sex as their weapon.  There is much more to life than sex and vanity.  Women, put down the mirror, stop with the selfies, the entire world agrees women are the most beautiful humans on the planet, great... accept, now can we get on with more important  issues like protecting the children and our planet earth?  Stop with the injections and boob jobs...find another way to get the attention that is helpful to the world.

If women are to bring the world back into balance women will not do it through conquering and dividing, we will do it with nurturing and unifying with a peaceful persistent voice.

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