Saturday, April 29, 2017

Waif Definitions and Other Definitions

Words are fun.  The way people use words can be puzzling. Definitions of words have been put in a universal book called a dictionary so there can be some congruity to the use of each.  Yet, we all use words that are familiar to us.

Yesterday I watched an interview between two well known people.  Maya Angelou is of the mind that the "N" word should not be used by anyone anymore.  The man that was in the interview with her makes a living while using the word, "Nigga" constantly in his routine as do rappers.  He is a comedian. I have often wondered why he and others use this word when we as a nation are trying to move pass this prejudice.

He explained that when the word was created it was a way to dehumanize the man.  Now he and his buddies that use it constantly are reclaiming its meaning to mean be a brotherhood of those that have risen up from the degradation of old.  This is why only a person of this race can use it without racial slur.  This is good to know, this makes sense.

In the "Friends" TV show there was a negative connotation given to Monica's name by her critical mother. Whenever Monica did something wrong her mother would say, "She pulled another Monica." Phoebe, Monica's friend, told Monica instead of attaching the negative definition that caused Monica to feel bad when she heard this expression, that Monica should change the meaning, "Pulling a Monica to something Monica did great." In this way Monica could become proud of herself when she heard it. Once again showing you can't change others but you can change your thinking about a situation.

We have a friend that came here from Iraq.  She loves to cook and I learned her people only ate animals killed halal.  She would bring chicken dishes with many vegetarian dishes here when she visited. Excellent cook her food is a favorite here. After trying to respectfully listen and understand her words as she learned English, I did not correct her as she spoke, I would listen and try to figure out what she meant.  One day after months of trying to hear her explain some dishes she cooked, I figured out she was saying. "Chicken" when she meant "kitchen."  We both laughed and she has such a good self image it did not bother her.  She is a kind lady.

I have a post in The Quail Writer.  It's title is "Menthol and Coconut Waif Across the Air as Melissa Etheridge sings Gay love Songs." According to the blog census, more people have read this post than any other.  So I wondered why? Is it the title? Is it Melissa E? Is it Gay Love Songs? Or is it the word, Waif?  Waif has many definitions and one of these further down the page is "wandering."  Now I am wondering if people read it because of the above reasons or if it is because the word, "waif" is a misuse of the word to their thinking?  What? Me not perfect? You folks see through me! And I see you.

Are there more gay people reading my blogs or people looking to correct me?  Anyway I am being read by more than I knew... This is making me laugh, the blog is free and I like to stir up people.

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