Saturday, April 22, 2017

Wild thing, I think I Love You

There is a tiger cat that like others was dropped off at our farm three years ago.  Exhausted from changing litter boxes and caring for three cats I could not let him in the house.  Not another cat.  After all the kids are gone and we are settling down into a much simpler life.

The first winter he sat at the front window with the snow coming down so hard, with begging eyes, I knew he was domesticated.  I have watched this cat try to come onto our deck with our three cats that live here, going bizerk at the sight of the stranger.  After all he was on their territory!

I have shooed the cat away and watched him from afar eating chipmunks, rabbits and mice.  He is a survivor.  There is something about being able to survive on your own that appeals to my husband in particular.  Maybe this is why outspoken, independent women appeal to him as well.  It is so unusual to see a woman out on her own taking on the world today.

Yesterday our three cats were out on the deck with the wild tiger nearby.  They had eyes fixed on it but they did not growl anymore.  One of my hesitations to take the cat in, besides more cat hair to vacuum, ticks to remove, combing the shedding fur, litter boxes, constantly washing furniture blankets used to keep fur off the training of the cat to introduce him onto the house without upsetting the three older cats we already have.

I love animals but my life is not one of being a wildlife conservationist.  I have nursed many a small animal back to health to set it free again because I too love wild things. Sweetheart is so stubborn, rebellious, and somewhat dangerous at times in how he lives life, but he is soft hearted inside, even he said, "Can he come in? I don't believe you leave that cat outside for three years now."

If the three cats accept this "earth brother" first, I may consider taking him in.  I do not like the way he came to be here having to live out in the woods but he is surviving outdoors in spite of the foxes, the bears, the coyotes, or wolf.  And the cat has my husband's finest admiration, he likes that cat living free and wild, the way he likes me...

Wild thing, I think I love you.

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