Sunday, April 23, 2017

Love Labels and Political Incorrectness

Why? Because when I hear this I got your number. Does not mean your number is bad or good to me, it just means you are comfortable enough to be your real self and I can either decide to be in conversation with you or steer clear. We do not have to agree on anything except to live in peace.

Labels such as bipolar or ADD, alcoholic, environmental wacho, Peta freak, etc. are just words that mean nothing to you unless you attach good/hurtful meanings to each and then internalize it.  You can control what you don't attach and internalize. So don't attach unless it is good to you.

Now you can't do this if you are unconfident of who you are or what you believe as your truth.  Here's a clue, anything that is good, kind, healing, productive in a positive unharming way is worth steeling in your confidence bank.  When this bank is so full of itself it begins to make your cause a war against others who don't believe like you are off track and in for a fight.

Fighting is not the natural state of being here in the Garden Of Eden, Earth.  We are here to live and survive the elements of nature as we are kind to one another.  No wars, no fights.  Disagreements yes! Difference of opinions always! Solution oriented absolutely!  No physical killing or harming another, much talk in time will bring compromise and peace.

So let us label, let us be politically incorrect, it will not harm us unless we choose to let it harm us. Inner confidence, inner peace is where unity begins. Everyone that loves peace loves Gandhi.  I disagree with many things he did to accomplish his solo leadership but overall he helped his people. Many roads to the top of the mountain.

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