Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Skateboard Husband and Pogo Wife

Yeah those were the days when this 11 year old girl hopped and skated the board for hours up and down Gulf Street. 3000 hops and 20 miles later finally I take a break and go in for a Kool-Aid.

So our son got a skateboard from his brother for Christmas and away he went at 27 y o. No sweat.

The husband helped the son move and he sent his skateboard back via Mom and Dad so Dad is out with ski poles balancing and trying to skateboard...It AIN"T easy anymore.  Now this man can ice skate, ski, and roller skate like a pro but skateboard?  Another story...still he tries. We will see how far he can ride that darn thing by the end of the summer.

So I buy a pogo stick. I like to jump and bounce.  I read online where some Dad had tried this stick and could not get going at 20 years my junior so I wondered about me...could I do it? Would I ever be able to get to 3000 again?  Well you don't know till you try.

I hop on and go two. I hop on and go 3, I hop on and go 10...then again another 10...I keep going till I hit 18 and I am pooped! Out of breath much more than that 14 mile bike ride...

If I keep this up I may get back in shape sooner than later and it is fun.  Sweetheart tried my pogo and can hardly jump one and is so amazed I can do so many first time out...but he does remind me I was a dancer one time and have good balance.  I said "Yes, I use to ride that skateboard but I would not try that now!' Off he goes in the driveway with ski poles on the skateboard.

Hang on till summer's end and we will see how far we have come then...Keep trying, keep trying...Never give up!  Childhood revisited.

That's me in the middle...

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