Saturday, April 1, 2017

There Are Many Way To The Top Of A Mountain, No Fooling!

Men and women that have a good sense of right and wrong and confidence to go with it see their way as the best way, some falsely believe their way is the only way.  This may be true in a dark cave with no light, but when it comes to climbing a mountain in sunlight we see there are many paths to the top. The same is true when it comes to getting things accomplished in creative thought and actions in policy and government, much light is needed to make a way, and there is more than one way to the top of that mountain.

The inside of any person, the heart of any person, can only be known through the person herself/himself.  Everyone else is just guessing what you mean, no one knows your motives but you.

Having said this, "I will make a huge statement here. I do not believe any person rises to the position of POTUS without a good intention of helping the American people and the world at large.  Three branches of government are a checkmate for any POTUS and then there is us, the American citizens.
We vote.  I have voted for presidents that did not get elected. I have voted for presidents that did not do what they promised to do, still, I believe in the person in this country to be a good person not a dictator.

I have met people who came here from Nazi Germany, I have met people who came here from Russia, China, Iraq, and these legal immigrants are thankful to be here and love the freedom we enjoy by birth.

This new generation that does not see how wonderful this country is under any president we have had so far are young and naive.  The government is made up of fallible humans, and cannot ever be perfect but the heart of this country is good no matter how misguided anyone thinks it may be.

Sure change is needed, people who love money and power are sitting in Congress and every other political seat in America down to the mayor of our towns.  Change will come whether we like it or not and things will happen for the good and the bad of us all.  But I think we must remember...

In the founding of this country most Colonials did not want the Constitution of America to be written and held forth precisely for the reason of putting too much money and power in the hands of the educated and elite, the few.  But thanks to Alexander Hamilton and the Federalist Papers a spear head of these and the fact he had no allegiance to this country, The Constitution was established.

George Washington was not a big fan but in light of the future of this country and the men running the newly formed government he thought it would be the best they could do, but he was very aware of the corruption that could follow.

So we are here only  a few decades. I for one want to be part of the solution not the problem so I do what I can.  My time here is not going to be one of constant fighting, not in this country.  My immigrant friends love this country because they have something to compare it to, the violence and prisons they came from.  "Trump is nothing like the dictators or Nazis," our legal immigrant friends words, not mine.

I have sat patiently and peacefully  while waiting for POTUS I did not like to get voted out.

There are many ways to the top of a mountain, yours and mine are not the only way when it comes to the POTUS.  No fooling...

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