Saturday, April 8, 2017

Kissing Another Author Good-bye

I try to not turn on the TV anymore and I do not read emails unless related to a product I order or work. I have unfollowed almost everyone on Facebook because I am tired of the one sided political rants that show no consideration of a different non-violent view.

I get it if you are in another country with a physical war zone with no shelter and the town you live in is completely blown to smithereens and you say, "There has to be another way, I got to get out of here to stay alive."  This makes sense.

But here in the USA, when do you get tired of fighting/arguing in this country with one another? When do you learn to discuss solutions without the anger and division? Is this possible?  I think so, in this country, maybe I'm naive?

Today an author who I have enjoyed for a while and even bought one of her books, has written another book which I will not be buying because she is so dang angry about life. I saw a FB posting and realized, "She is so missing the point."  I listened to one of her chapters online for free and see her judgment is lacking. She is good at expressing herself in words.

She reposted an analogy on FB that made no sense. She was addressing one subject in comparison to another and it simply was not a comparable analogy at all.  (Stay on the same page if you have a valid point, this was not it for sure.)

Her adult idealism of peace through cumbaya is good, I have this too, but the childlike naivete that all wrongdoing can be dealt with peacefully is lacking in wisdom.  Even Buddha knew this was not possible.

There is a teaching in The Noble Heart by Pema Chodron.  Buddha knew this warrior, this killer, intended to kill innocent people and Buddha tried to talk peace and stop him.  When the warrior would not turn from his intent to destroy innocents...(You'll have to read the book to see the answer.)

Yes "Peace" is the answer, at what costs to innocents?

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