Friday, April 28, 2017

Greatness In Every Single One Of Us

We had a wonderful visit with a friend this week.  We talked of many things and something we both have come to know is that titles, diplomas, certifications, medals, awards, do not define you.  In many ways these can restrain you from looking deeper within to see who you really are without all the pomp and circumstance.  She felt so strongly about this that she shredded all of hers.

When anyone is young and comes up seeing people that become mentors for their young lives this tends to make the youngster think, "Oh. I could never do that!" But the reality is you can.  Each of us has a road we travel that causes us to pursue a cause or think a certain way.  In the process of this we become a champion of our own thoughts.

When we see education as a means to an end not the end all of meaning, the true self discovery begins.  If we don't idolize these accomplishments, we don't develop a big ego that separates us from others. No one is above or below another, we are one.

When we do not idolize another for who they are, then our self image is where it needs to be to discover the greatness that resides equally in us. (Even the least accomplished among us, children, have greatness to give to the world.)

When we accept this is a part of our journey that puts us on the same path as everyone else, a path to inner peace and unity, then we see ourself clearly for who we are.  One peaceful human race.

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