Monday, April 10, 2017

Parents Stop Stealing Children's Childhoods

Today I read about another fallen soldier to be buried and the local church going to protest the funeral saying because he was an American soldier he should have been left to die in that foreign country on the ground. The article read that this is this church way of saying God is punishing America for accepting homosexuality. Take me back to the stoneage...good grief!

Now this soldier's family would have been exposed to these angry people except for the "Patriots Guard" that is  a group of retired soldiers that carry flags and surround the funeral area as guests to prevent the family from seeing or hearing the angry protests of the church. You can contact them online if you are in need of a motorcycle escort with American flags.  So thankful for these men and women.  As a granddaughter of a veteran, daughter of a veteran, sister to a veteran and a mother of three veterans, I say let the families grieve in peace. As a supporter of gay rights, let it be.

What bothered me the most was the pictures of little children carrying these hateful signs. So young to be taught hate and so young to be taught worry over something (a society prejudice) that will not be solved quickly yet can rob children of the joy of being young and having fun. What if one of these Christian children is gay?  Will this protest lead to their suicide?  So sad.

Imagine you, a child 8 years old have a weekend off from school and your parents spend time making signs with you one night or day to take to a funeral to protest the next?  That is no fun for the child.

How about minding your own household business and spend the day or night building a kite one day to go fly a kite the next day with a picnic lunch with parents?

My major rant to anyone that has a child, 0-15, carrying any adult worry from global warming, to homosexuality, you are stealing that child's childhood!  Let them be little for a while, they will be adults with adult worries for the remainder of life. For now go fly a kite, don't know how? GTS or excuses parents.

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