Thursday, May 3, 2018

Ayahuasca and DMT

It seems the ayahuasca tea served at the Shaman Peru cleanses is a psychedelic drug from plants in South America.  Too much DMT and you see psychedelic images, too little as in depression and you see black and gray images.  Our body produces this in the center of our physical brain in the pineal gland.  Some say this is the "spiritual" molecule that meshes the natural world or physical world with the spiritual world.  When we are too far off the center evidently that is when problems make us seek medicinal or addictive remedies.

The scientist believe when this molecule can be controlled it may be the answer to alcoholic and drug addictions.  So that is what the people are experiencing down in Peru. A rebirth of getting in touch with nature and self through a plant induced euphoria.  My question is how did the natives in a third world country come to know this plant when made into a tea creates this phenomenon?

Will wonders never cease?  Nature and man always find a way to connect.  The fact that this happens is further proof to me that the universe has our back. After all people are getting healing through this. One scientist that studies DMT and the effect on the brain does not believe in God however after her Ayahuasca tea trip believe the energy of being must go on to another level, she is just not sure where. She now admits she is a "spiritual" person.

Thankful that science is catching up with spirituality in reality.  I believe the two are inseparable, always have but cannot prove it. Others much more educated in the field are beginning to do just that, proving it.

Here is a DMT molecule...

Image result for dmt molecule

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