Friday, May 4, 2018

Morality and Civilization Is Up to Women

As time goes by and we watch the world, we all eventually realize the differences between men and women.  Men love their rules and crazy dreams to the point of war and this is called politics.  Women bring education and a faith in something good to the humans we raise, it's called home and family.

We need both in moderate amounts to bring peace to this planet and according to the numbers, life on planet earth is getting better.  Steven Pinker wrote a book titled, Enlightenment Now.  He warns against listening to any news channel about the things they want us to worry about each day when in fact if you see real numbers, the  world is less violent than 30 years ago. Technology helps with making life less stressful as long as we can turn it off.

Thankful to see positive concrete numbers supporting what we all know to be true. Life is getting better everyday.

Image result for steven pinker quotes

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