Sunday, May 20, 2018

Confidence is Appealing To Everyone

Why do we love dare-devils?  Why are we attracted to the "Badass" woman or man?

Confident rebels that buck the system and get away with it can make us stand in awe.

We admire in others what we seek for ourselves. If we can't have it maybe we can near it, maybe we can say we know them personally, maybe in that way we can be also be admired or feel special?

How about you be confident in just being you?

Confident that "YOU ARE ENOUGH" is the most attractive quality any of us can have.

Thankful that in time with age, clarity of thought, and experience we gain confidence, and don't need to stand near or in the shadow of any "Badass"...anymore, this is called self- confidence. To be yourself, now that is appealing to everyone.

Image result for quotes about confidence

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