Sunday, May 13, 2018

You Know I Can Learn Something from Everyone I Meet

When I was younger and heard this I would say, "No I can't, I don't even approve of everyone, much less like them!  They have nothing to teach me!"

Then I became older and I said, "Yes, I can learn something from everyone..I can learn what NOT to be like!"

Then I had children and life knocked me down a few times and I had to pull myself up again and go on, and I said,"Yes, if I look closely I can learn there is good in every person and everyone knows at least one good thing to teach me if we talk long enough. I cannot possibly know it all or be the only good person in the world with the right answers!"

Now children grown, and moved away, some dreams came true, some did not yet, the main dream, to truly love one man, him to truly love and respect me, and have a fun, loving family, came true.

Now I mind my own business and let others be free to be who they are without my two cents.

I know now, that all people really are good.  Differing opinions does not change that. Thankful to know this now, I just need to remind myself this when I come upon those that don't, yet.

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