Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Scarlet Tanager

When you wish upon a star...

Sweetheart has wanted to see a "Scarlet Tanager" since he was 8 years old. He saw one while looking through his mother's bird watcher's book.

His mother would sit by the window for hours doing crossword puzzles and bird watching.

A good son, my Sweetheart would help his mother fill up the bird feeders year round, even in the dead of a cold winter.

Today while walking laps with me in our driveway, he stopped suddenly and was smiling from ear to ear, "There, look, a Scarlet Tanager! I have wanted to see one of those my entire life, there it is!
The "Scarlet Tanager" is much brighter and redder than a cardinal."

He took a picture with his phone and we stood for a few minutes watching.

The universe answers another simple wish.

Thankful to be with my Sweetheart to share this much awaited, unexpected, and happy moment. Life is good on the Hudson River.

Image result for scarlet tanager

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