Sunday, May 27, 2018

Take Care of Yourself First

Whenever there is a need for ongoing money to sustain a business, there is a need for steady, recurring money coming in.  Government, hospitals, doctors, (including dentists) any successful business, must rely on recurring money coming in to keep the lights on.

We were talking about products such as "illumibowl, squatty potty" which led to a talk about business making profits.  These first two products are nice but unnecessary because people have had to eliminate without the help of these products since the beginning of time. To sell these there has to be ongoing promotion worldwide to keep customers, the distributors have to create a need in your mind. And without repeat customers, no ongoing money.

People who have businesses based on human needs, eating, health, housing, clothing, heat, emergency medicine, will have repeat business, but business based on services such as ongoing medical care, medicine, law, computers, phones, church, beauty salons, will have to create a need for anyone to go there repeatedly. If you only go once to any of these, there will not be repeat business, there will not be residual money for them.

Many people in their youth want to make a difference in the world.  Doctors, lawyers, researchers, photographers, entertainers, artists, in their youth really want to help mankind and some spend years going to school to learn their special interest. Then the reality of having money coming in to pay for food , housing, staff, office equipment, if needed, becomes reality, their rose colored glasses of youth come off quickly. Hard decisions need to be made, money does not grow on trees, unless you come from money or have access to taxpayers' money.

How much money is enough for you to feel successful? How much work will you do for it?

Case in point: I had a neurologist who was an associate to the partner who had majority interest in the practice so he wrote the rules of the office. He learned decades ago he could make more money trying new drugs on his patients than seeing patients in general. He decided no to see patients that could afford to pay out of pocket for medical services. The patients that could afford to pay full price for his services would negate his income.

My insurance lapsed for a short period of time due to me not paying it on time and I had a severe migraine. I needed more meds which I could not get without another office exam to acquire a new script. In severe pain, I went to the office in person with cash in hand and asked to see my doctor.

My doctor heard me at the desk, and waved me into her private office, shut  the door, and told me, "I can't see you, Dr.**** has this contract with the drug companies based on the knowledge that none of the patients here can pay without insurance.  He owns this office, I cannot do anything, I cannot see you, I'm sorry."  I went to the ER and got a shot of Demoral.

Do you think this doctor is concerned with helping patients now? Or are we just patients that he needs to use as guinea pigs keep his office going through payments he receives quarterly from drug companies for his research?

This is one of my major reasons I want to depend on me to be my doctor first. You should too, take care of yourself first with a clean diet and exercise, after this the genetics and accidents are going to happen.  Dealing with your mind after such unforeseen disasters, now becomes the remedy.
Thankful for learning how to bring my thoughts into alignment every day with daily practice.

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