I have recently decided if I am following anyone on any media and they ask me to comment, to give feedback, I will not bother. I see that if you applaud and agree, you get a minimal thumbs up. No actual words to engage in a mutual conversation.
If you offer an alternative thought for discussion from the narrative that was promoted you get blocked, dropped, no engagement, no thumbs up, no discussion. Three different women now. I have followed for years and never gave any real feedback, just a thank you, thumbs up. They ask again and again for comments so recently I gave my feedback. This feedback was a thoughtful response, not just an applause, or another comment of "I needed that today, thank you..." I was not given a thumbs up or any feedback from these "leaders." Now I have three women that I no longer see their posts on my timeline. This is embracing all women in sisterhood?
Now when it comes to empowering all women as they claim to want to do, I see it is only possible if you agree with their stance. All other perspectives are not tolerated!
The song that a famous artist sings has a line in it, "Who runs the world? Girls!"
With these "adult girl" attitudes that will not likely happen anytime soon. This kind of monarchy of thought does not make the world peaceful or promote unity. Agree to disagree is a fundamental need to include others in any narrative and achieve peaceful existence with others. We are not disagreeing over violence, just a different perspective on dealing with life situations.
Thankful to have a backyard in the woods, tea to sip, turkeys, deer, birds, fox, and bears to enjoy. Sometimes you gotta step away and just be present. Nothing to defend, I can be quiet, too, so I write.
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