Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Don't Set up the Target and You Won't Get Hit

To stay out of an argument with an enraged person is best.  A debate, not heated, is valuable to learn from one another and can be very enlightened for each if we listen.  You can see an example of these  by listening to congressional hearings.  The congressperson who listens with an ear to understand will not attack the other with a lists of why they are right and the other is wrong.  When you hear a congress person ask questions to see more clearly what the other is seeking and what remedy is sought, you begin to see the grounds for unity.

There is a difference between hearing and listening. Everyone has the right to be heard, and in congress they evidently have made it okay to disrespect one another when they disagree.  This is another reason we need new elected officials.  We need people who respect differing opinions and talk without pointing fingers.  As soon as you throw back fighting words, you are a target for more arrows. Angry people don't resolve conflicts, they start wars.

In everyday life we meet difficult people who have to control everything, it has to be their way. Their way is self serving and benefits one, the difficult one.  The only way around this difficult, self centered one, is to NOT engage in the fight. You cannot be a target if you are not involved physically, verbally, or emotionally. The arrows of anger may fly but these will not hit you.

Thankful to learn to keep my safe space by not interacting with people who live in hurt and anger the majority of their life. There are actually people who move past this and live very successful peaceful lives.  I want to know more of these and less of the others.  Life is too short to not be surrounded by peace most of your life.  This is probably why I prefer animals and nature to people. In nature "Loving what is" because there is no other choice but to accept.

Image result for love nature more than city life

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