Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The Black Sheep of The Family

Every family has one. You know the one that follows a different path of thinking and living.  The one that no one can relate to, the one that follows the distant beat of a faraway drum.  That person is not angry, mean, or criminal, just different.  Angry, confused, people do harm to themselves or others, this is NOT the black sheep. The black sheep is different in a good way.

The black sheep does not want to do things the way it has always been done, does not want tradition, does not behave the way expected, has plenty of new ideas and wants to implement these ideas. The black sheep does not need to be understood, the black sheep just needs to be accepted, supported, and loved. All will turn out alright in time.

Frightening when you give birth to one of these. I was called the black sheep in my family. My husband was the black sheep in his family. We gave birth to three black sheep children as different as any siblings could be, so we support, accept, and love each knowing in time all will be well.

Thankful to know how to treat black sheep from our own experience. I love black sheep.

Image result for black sheep of the family

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