Wednesday, May 30, 2018

China does what?

Today I met a man while out walking in down state and struck up a conversation, He is married to a professional woman who stays in China most of the time. He prefers America so he stays here works and goes home stress free and at peace every day. He married when he was older almost 50 for the first time and was not interested in having kids as he was raised in an Irish Catholic family where of course birth control was forbidden. He the oldest was so tired of babysitting his younger siblings he along with 5 of his siblings decided not to have children.  They are all in careers of their choice and childless. Each very concerned with serving the welfare of others as each sibling is a state trooper, police or FBI, this man is a ranger.

He married a professional from China. She is all business, works in a bank. No plans for children in their future. They have a bi-continental marriage arrangement. Sometimes he goes to China to visit her and her family takes them all over China and Europe.

I asked him about China and his insight are the main reason I now have added China to my "No Fly Zone," He tells me the following:

1) There is  99% conviction rate, all judges, juries, police, etc. take bribes and can be bought. Everyone is deathly afraid of the police.

2) There are cameras in the big cities everywhere and if a person jay walks the picture is taken and you are convicted with a fine.  Get enough points and you no longer can get a passport to fly, for the rest of your life.

3) When college kids march or cause a disruption in objection to the government, the military are sent to round up the protesters and they disappear off the planet. No one ever sees them again. Parents do not try to locate them because of fear they too will disappear.  Yikes...

4) The garbage and filth outside of Hong Kong is astronomical.  There are entire malls and condos built with no inhabitants. Total waste of the people's money.  No thanks, I'll pass on this tour.

He also has travels Europe extensively and added that countries that opened their borders in Europe got the worst criminals from Africa flooding in to the point the police cannot maintain law and order.

I asked him with FBI agents and police in his family what is his view of the wall being built south of the border here. He said, "Yes anything will help, however the laws allowing these people to step one foot in our country and then allowed to stay while a complicated law process has to happen for them to be sent back needs to change. By the time the paperwork is complete these illegals cannot be located to be sent back." Stricter laws that prevent this and protect Americans is needed.

I asked him if he had heard of Australia and how hard it is to get into that country? He said, "No." Want to see some strict immigrant laws? Check out Australia, they are not letting anyone in until they say the country can afford it.  Don't believe me do your own research. Anyway back to minding my own business and being present. If you think about he world you'll go crazy.

Glad to be an American and the more I hear about the rest of the world the less I want to travel there. Glad I listen to others and save me the travel.  With my carefree personality I might do something unknowingly and disappear too! I think I'll stay home. I love my backyard and sipping tea.

Now to get these corrupt career politicians out of office asap! We need the younger generation with new ideas in all government positions, to save this country and the citizens. The better the country will be.

Thankful a few of us never get complacent about this country and the freedoms we have as law abiding citizens.  I think we are called average American taxpayers.

Remember there are no royals here, let's keep it that way.😉

"A mind stretched by new experiences can never go back to its original dimensions." ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

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