Thursday, May 17, 2018

Women Rights Museum in Seneca Falls, NY

The Women's Rights Museum is open and and Elizabeth Cady Stanton's house renovations are complete, and both are beautiful to see.  Definitely worth a trip to visit and remember the original 5 brave women who stirred the women's minds for reform to gain not only the right to vote for all but give women rights over property, their own children in a divorce and voice to work and be educated outside of the home.

We have these rights in place today in America.  The entire world will be better  when every religion and government of the world treat women with such respect lawfully.  I cannot know the world and the women everywhere because I have not studied world governments and the laws but when I see how women immigrants are dressed that come here and watch men disrespect the women at times, it makes me wonder what America will do for these men and women to make their lives equal and free. 

One major disrespect I see world wide is men allowing themselves to have many wives or mistresses as if this is the way of men when in fact this is not.  Women for generations in many cultures, even here in America, allow their husbands to be unfaithful and have many wives.  Men have to stop being animals in this way. 

When men and women respect commitments to significant others to stay sexually faithful to one woman, one man, their significant other, men and women will see what real power looks like and the family life will begin to heal for every family in the world.  Women and men that focus on their intellectual acuities and not female, male form, are the real thinkers and movers for positive and lasting change to benefit all.

When the women marched for the right to vote and religious freedom for all, these women were not aware that there would be religions and men that would come here with religious laws that put women in such subjective roles. If these women saw this coming they would want reform for immigrants coming here NOT to have child brides, multiple wives, and women expected to remain second in command to their husbands.  The Native American Indians of past generations watched and could not believe the disrespect white males had for their women. 

Reform is coming, the women are speaking out in America now and it is an exciting time to be alive.

Image result for elizabeth cady stanton quotes

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