Monday, May 28, 2018

Quick name 10 things You Can do here in the USA as a Woman that other Women in other countries cannot...Go

1) Go to school from Pre-K to doctorate safely

2) Choose if to marry, who to marry, when to marry and use birth control methods.

3) Choose to run a "Woman Owned" Business

4) Drive a vehicle

5) Divorce with rights

6) Wear clothing of any choice

7) Be a financially secure independent woman

9) Own property

10)  File legal charges against anyone that harms you.

Now that we have these freedoms let's enforce them, let's live them now. Let's make all accountable to live by the laws already set up. Laws that were once so beneficial to men, are our rights too.

Enough of me and my thoughts, back to minding my own business, not my job to run the world. I just like to pretend I'm in charge sometimes. You will do what you want, we both do anyway, us Americans are like that. Namaste.
Image result for independent women

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