Wednesday, May 16, 2018

What 10 Smells Remind You of Your Grandmother?

1)  Roses, she loved roses, rose water for parfume and had a rose garden outside her kitchen window

2)  Vegetable's green odor, popped those pods open and out fell the peas, snapped green beans

3)  Dove soap always in the bathroom dish

4)  Pound cake

5)  Chocolate simmering on the stove, she made real chocolate frosting for her cake

6)  Pecan pie cooling on the windowsill

7)  Pot of corn simmering on the stove, she always cut the kernels off the cob

8)  Sweet potatoes baking in the oven on a brown paper bag

9)  Fresh peaches being peeled, just picked from her trees

10)  Delicious buttermilk biscuits baking

Yes, she was a fabulous country chef. Everything she made was mouth watering good. Her kind smile and gentle nature made every visit there comforting and calm.  She once told me the way to get children to eat their vegetables is to add a little sugar to each dish. Grandma let me have as many dishes of chocolate ice milk as I could eat!  (I prefer ice milk to ice cream till this day.)

We have time now to perfect our homemade foods, now I know how Grandmothers' become such great cooks.  Lots more time after birds fly the nest.

Thankful to have had a Grandmother who came from a farm and knew how to cook great dishes from the garden.  Love you still Lynnie Newell Kelly! Yes, I am a great southern cook too, Sweetheart and I both like to cook, the tradition lives on. She made sweet tea and lots of it, I serve water.  😉

   Image result for country food on table

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