Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Shaman in Peru

There is a solution that some Americans are finding by visiting a Shaman in Peru.  The first time I heard of it a friend of our daughter's had gone for a month and found through the plant based cleansing she felt renewed, awake like no other time before.

Then I heard of a life coach who is excellent teaching how to overcome the damage of a narcissist in your life, went down there with her brother for 6 weeks.  She and her brother cleansed with these powerful plant based solutions and baths.  They saw hallucinations and received answers from beyond this dimension.

Tonight I saw a Netflix documentary "The Last Shaman."  This young man was severely depressed and he went to Peru for the same kind of ritual healing.  They all received a healing, a rebirth, a new beginning, a new way to look at their life that lightened their spirit and gave hope.

There must be something to this for it is working for them.  A reconnection with nature seems to make them reconnect with feeling in their body.  For many years I have been reconnecting with feelings in my body.  It may be that I disconnected at a young age to survive emotional trauma I experienced growing up in a home that did not give the emotional support I needed as a foundation for living a peaceful life.

In every story I have listened to it involves an extra sensitive child that grew up in a household that focused on success in academics, money, prestige, position, and beauty.  The individual that was not interested in these things was pushed and ultimately became angry for not being listened to.  Each left the family in search of peace to find the only peace we can truly have which is inner peace.

What these dedicated men and women put themselves through to see this, was hard. I guess for them it is a crash course in the University of Life.  I prefer taking life one day at time and learning as I go, which is what I have done.  Would I have gone to Peru for this spiritual cleansing? Maybe, but my life's path did not take me there. What I do know is we all get to the top of the mountain in our own way and time. This is all that matters.

Thankful for inner peace which I cultivate every day.

Image result for eckhart tolle inner peace

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