Sunday, May 6, 2018

When is Enough, Enough?

Over the years many teachers charge for their courses, it is business, I understand.  But at what point do you have enough money to stop charging when you are teaching the same thing over and over?

To be totally ZEN you would teach like Jesus taught and never charge a cent.  You would walk through this world and let nature take its course.  Some days you would eat and other days you may not.  To live like this it would be much easier not to have a family. All enlightened men and women do not teach of money to achieve inner peace. They teach of believing the universe has your back. The universe in its purest form has no money. This monetary exchange is manmade.

Mother Theresa wanted to help the poor of the world, she needed money in her lifestyle. The Catholic nun knew the Catholic Church was not going to give her the money to do this. History has proved the Vatican is not going to close down that palatial palace for the Pope and his Cardinals to fund the poor she lived among and helped every day of her life. 

So she got smart about money.  One way she made much needed money was to write books. She made over $300 million in her book sales to fund her cause. Her cause to bring food, water, medicine to the poor was an ongoing need, Jesus taught the poor will be with us always.

How much money do you need to fund your lifestyle?  Once you know the lifestyle you want, then the universe will help you afford it. The more you want, the more you will work for it, otherwise you will settle.  You will sit down and say, "This is good enough. Why should I want more? I don't want to do more work."

Today in my blog I'm just putting it out there for us to think about?  What did you want most of all from life?  Do you have it?  Once basic needs are met, how much more do you need?  What will you do with your life once you get that?  When is enough enough for you? Is it okay to want more?

The time and work involved to have more... are you and I willing to give that to have more?

Thankful for all I have now, and intrigued to see where the next decade takes me. 

Image result for lines from tombstone movie there is no normal life

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