Tuesday, October 31, 2017

You are NOT Born with a Sinful Nature, Religion Lied

Before all this mind control of the masses was devised by media, religion, and cultures, there was you.  You in all your innocence, born with a happy outlook of life... until someone or something told you to not trust your own mind and ultimately fear for your soul. This soul thinking makes you worry not only about here and now, but you have to add more worry about an eternity that we hope exists. All we really know is now, and then the moment is gone.

One stoic thought "You Were Born Good."  What if this notion of original sin is hogwash? What if you were born with a brain that thinks well enough and what if you were given the freedom of will to think for yourself to choose the right thing, the kind thing, because you would?  So humankind made a couple of mistakes, no big deal, mistakes teach us valuable lessons, nobody's perfect. But what if we "all were born good?"

There is a friend that I see rarely.  Three years ago I visited her and her new baby. At the time she  had a delightful 3 year old daughter who smiled and danced and was so precious in nature.  A bit shy with a little baby teeth smile, she stole my heart as well. She was so happy to show me her baby brother...a couple of years later her mother had a graduation party for her eldest daughter and invited me to the party. That same little angel I met just two years earlier was there and she had lost her happy smile. She looked angry. She did not remember me, understandable, but she had learned to frown, and be unfriendly now. I was surprised, her mother does not have this countenance.  Then I met her grandmother.  This woman looked liked she ate a bag of lemons.  When I was introduced to her, she was not interested in meeting me, she had no smile. She looked a lot like that 5 year old now.  Guess who was the main caretaker of that 3 year old for the past two years? You guessed correctly. The happiness of that bright and charming little angel was stolen from her, she learned to frown. I did not see the angel smile once the entire afternoon. Sad, someone taught that child by example and maybe words to not be so happy.

At birth we are immediately downloading information from the people we need to survive, our caretakers.  These caretakers teach us their culture, their language, their rules of civility, their belief systems.  In this we learn to be kind and accept everyone or to exclude and possibly hate someone. We live we learn.  All by yourself you are good. We would think well of every situation because of our innocence but we are taught right from wrong according to someone's rules or rules of a religion, and we change our mind influenced by those around us. 

We intuitively know right from wrong in our conscience. How?  When someone tells you something you have never heard before your body will contract or expand. Can you guess which one is your truth?

Now I'm not talking about what you are influenced to feel, or what someone talked you into thinking to feel, I'm talking about your inside voice. A voice that no one hears but you, a voice that no one needs to influence, it's your good sense to know right from wrong.  Religion cannot teach you this, your culture cannot tell you this, your family cannot tell you this, your politics cannot tell you this, all these may have some good ideas but only you know this inside voice.  You cannot access this voice  when you are angry or fearful.

To be the change you wish to see in the world is to do so without anger. How to access this?
Simple to begin:
1) Meditate every day for at least 5 minutes when you awake each day. 

2)Start your day with being thankful for anything good you have, if you have nothing, be grateful for the air you breathe, gravity to hold you on earth, in time you will expand this thankfulness list and with daily practice you will gain greater insight into things to be thankful for, try it, you are built to be happy.

3) Eat healthy foods and exercise daily.

Instead of condemning yourself or another, begin to realize everyone is good. Everyone has a talent, everyone is a winner. There are no losers here, only people still learning how to live the life of their dreams. 

Why is it hard to know this and do this or find that talent?  Because no one in your family, your culture, your religion, your school, your government ever taught you these foundational things. 

Why? Because somewhere along the road of life our ancestors lost their way and turned for outside help instead of looking within.  Somewhere we learned we had a sinful nature and could not trust our own self to make the right decisions.

Take your life back. Turn off TV, turn off  social media, stop going to a church that tells you are heading for hell.  Stop hanging out with family members or "friends" that don't believe in your dreams. Go back to the way you were born.  Innocent and good. If you were born good, so was I.  If you and I were born good then where did we learn to hate ourselves or another?  Only in the mind, our thoughts. We are all born good, start there and unlearn bad habits and thoughts.  We can return to our beginning if we choose to.

"The human being is born with an inclination toward virtue."  ~ Musonius Rufus (1st century)

We cannot get back to the good in us until we realize we are born good, the rest is just details.


Monday, October 30, 2017

People Tell You to forget the Bad times... I disagree, here's WHY!

Happiness of a new job is soon lost as we get used to the routine and find the once complex workings of the job are now mastered by us and we become somewhat bored even unthankful. Now we look for things and people to complain about including our wages, too low! The owners have enough to give us all a raise, so we think, we know best!

Happiness of a new car is lost when it becomes dented by a fender bender or a newer model comes out that we think is better and we now want another car not this one.  We will even work a job to pay for a newer fancier car. The new car will be better.

Happiness of a marriage is lost when we begin to see the princess or prince is not as brave or as good as we thought they were before we really "knew her/him."  And we will trade that wife/husband in for a newer, fresher model, as if the new one will have no flaws either.  The same restlessness is in us.

Happiness of a new baby is soon lost when we learn how much hands on work it is and how many hours of sleep we lose and we soon look to find a babysitter, day care, nanny, so we do not have to do this either, we would rather work a job. It is a much better use of our valuable time.

I say remember the bad times...the time you were afraid and did not have enough money to pay your rent, and you finally got this job?  Remember when you rode subways and buses and missed your ride, late to work again?  Try to explain that to your boss again.

And be thankful/

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Crayola Experience with parents and kids

We spent a fun day at the Crayola Factory Experience in Easton, PA today.  Renewed my faith in seeing so many moms and dads with their family.
Kids can spend all day here doing various crayon art pieces. Our daughter and I were in our element here dancing, coloring, drawing original art pieces, melting crayons. We made crayon souvenirs for the folks back home, crayon shaped molds, modeling clay, black and white pictures of us both.
Happy children, happy parents, spending good quality time creating together. What a fun memory for these families.
I must say that seeing crayons made was a favorite of mine. Check that off the bucket list. Thankful to have a sweet daughter to come play with me on a girl's road trip!

Friday, October 27, 2017

Yes, they are only little once...let them be free!

Sweetheart wanted me to write this blog.

Let them be free, let them splash in the creek and catch tadpoles, let them color your wall with crayons, let them climb a tree that a babysitter would not, let them sit on your lap and pretend to drive a car while you cross Lake Champlain on the ferry, let them bring insects in your house that they caught and ran into the kitchen to show you, let them run in a meadow until they drop exhausted and laughing beside you, and both of you look for animal shapes in the clouds, let them swing, run, jump, line up the 300 Matchbox cars you bought for them, make a train zoom around a railroad track you built with them, dance with them in the kitchen while you cook dinner, sing songs with them, read books with them, as long as they want to because you have all day to be with them having fun.

These children will spend more time being adults and living with deadlines like you do now than laughing and playing with you, their parents.  The first seven years of the child's life is all you have to bond with them forever. If you don't have seven years to give to each child, don't have them.  Give them up for adoption, there are many childless couples that would love to be stay at home parents.

Let them teach you how to be happy and enjoy the JOY of living. Be with your kids, they will teach you the virtue of patience that will benefit both of you for the rest of your life. You will make mistakes for sure but if you spend time with them teaching the goodness of life when they get older they will forgive you easier.  We made mistakes, we asked forgiveness when they were older and we were forgiven.  We tried to give them us, freedom, time, and they are the better for it.

This was told to us by our grown children, they say "Thanks" to both of us now for always supporting their interests and listening to their side of every story,and always having their back when in trouble. I say to each of them," Thank you for teaching me what true love and patience is... We are happier because of learning to be with each of them and teaching them. 

How Crayons and Happiness are Made

When my eldest was toddling around the house with 4 pacifiers in his mouth at once and my second babe was at my breast, I use to sit in a small rocking chair retrieved from my parents-in-law's attic and watch Mister Rogers' Neighborhood every morning with the children.

One day Mister Rogers took us to the Crayola crayon factory to see crayons being manufactured!  I was amazed! I never thought about this before although I use crayola crayons all the time and every day with the children before they went to school. Love coloring in a new coloring book with a fresh box of 64 Crayola Crayons!

At the time, I thought,"I would love to go to the Crayola crayon factory and actually see these crayons being made and tomorrow I am.  My daughter who like me, loves to still color in a coloring book with a fresh box of crayons is meeting me in Easton PA to go to the Crayola factory and museum for the day!

I'm so excited I can hardly wait to play with my daughter this weekend and actually see crayons being made! Did I tell you I actually named a Crayola crayon one time? I did, the factory sent me a huge box of crayons with my crayon name among the colors.  The name that won was "Purple Mountain Majesty." I have the certificate upstairs  somewhere.

I know...it doesn't take much to make me happy, maybe, just maybe that is why I am happy most of the time!  Thankful to have a daughter who likes to play with me! Thankful to have a mother who is also happy with little things like this as well...maybe I learned to be happy from her?

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Waiting in line behind a lottery lady

Today I was heading out of town and I stopped in a convenient mart to pick up a chef salad on my way.  When I walked in an older white haired lady (assume retired) was bent over a bevy of lottery ticket as I hurried by.  There was no one in the store but us two, I grabbed a salad and headed for the register when I turned to get a bag of chips nearby this white haired lady runs to get in front of me lays all these tickets on the counter and has the cashier look at each one, why I don't know...I have never bought a lottery ticket in my life as I think it is a waste of hard earned money.

He gives her what looks like two dollars and some change and then she proceeds to buy more.  She looks and finds a couple of these and a couple of those and no maybe three of those...

I'm thinking, "Is she for real?  There some of us who need to get somewhere today and she looks as if she is going home to read the rest of the day I guess...I don't think she has much to do. Why did she jump in line ahead of me and now a line of 4 more people have grabbed their morning coffee and are behind me."

I turned to the person behind me as the woman is taking 5, 6, 7, minutes to choose lottery tickets...good grief, I say, does she really need to buy those now? The rest of us have somewhere to be...called work."

She told me, she is here every morning picking lottery tickets and holding up the line.  I think, "It is time to take real legislative action and make it illegal to purchase lottery tickets between the hours of 6AM and 9AM.  The numbers and the money paid out will be the same no matter what time she cashes in or out or whatever she is doing...right?"

Time to practice "Loving what is..."  Thankful for the day.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

How To Live A Good Life

And now some words from a stoic...
Philosophy consists of three parts, the moral, the natural, and the rational.

The first applies to the spiritual conscience, the second examines the natural order of things, and the third inquiries into the proper mean and usage of words.

The third keeps falsehoods from creeping in to displace the truth.

All of these have one purpose: to help us live a good life ruled by reason now, not in the future.

Seneca, Moral Letter, 89.9

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Universe Depends on Expansion Through the Inexperience of the Youth

Today I thought about all the things I have tried, adventures I have had, places I have visited, because it seem like fun at the time. When as an elder I look back and see how some things were so dangerous I can't believe I tried that!  I see that my youth was carefree and I never thought of dying. I did not have a death wish when I went spelunking for the first time, I did not have a death wish when I went skydiving for the first time and I did not have a death wish when I climbed Cascade Mountain last year, yet I did these things because I had no knowledge of the danger or fear I might face while doing these activities.  I had another check off the bucket list.  I learned.

Each generation goes through discoveries of everyday activities as if they alone are seeing this for the first time and through their eyes we elders may see things from another angle we did not see before. Looking at life through another lens can cause expansion of knowledge, both good and bad, but expansion. 

Youth thinks of new things and invents, or tries to improve what is here. I welcome this.

In Montreal we were heading up to our room on the 11th floor. There were young adults (25ish) in the elevator with us and they were laughing and having a good time.  They pressed the number for their floor, 5, and said to Sweetheart and me, "You better be glad you are not on this floor, we are going to party tonight and you may not like the noise."

I replied with a wink, "We were young once too."
They, "Hey, then come on down and join us later?"
Me: "No thanks, those days are past."
The young woman got off the elevator and Sweetheart heard her say, "I like her response."

A soft clean bed, cool night air from the window, Sweetheart by my side, that is a party to me now. My God it was fun to be young...and it is fun to be this age here now.
Life is good and we are thankful.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Glow Kids by NIcholas Kadaras, Thank you Paula Poundstone!

I read a book on the train titled, Glow Kids by Nicholas Kardaras suggested to me by Paula Poundstone. She wrote the first review... I did not know.  The book was very disturbing for the future of the children that are being babysat with smooth screen devices instead of being actively involved with parents or caregivers with tactile activities, music, dance, art, hiking, kayaking, etc.

The DVD movie player on the back of the head seats in a car to make a long trip more enjoyable for the parents mainly, the kids like another movie and they are quiet.  Then there are the kids that are latch key kids with no one home especially in teen years so they play Warcraft games or GameBoy to occupy their lonely hours connecting with other kids around the world, also left alone.  And let's not forget TV with its dead walking characters and the unreal reality shows that kids watch hoping to find a real life to copy.

The kids are learning to be desensitised to humans, that can be killed with a flick of a wrist, destroyed. Kids are getting a high from winning a violent game that involves killing the opponents views instead of learning to talk with an opposing viewpoint to sort out disagreements.

Now there are kids being tried in courts for killing the parents and going to prison. Parents
that had simply taken away their electronic devices. This is destroying the family unit for sure and the family values of kindness, forgiveness, and patience are not being learned at home.

Is this what we have come to as Americans?  We leave everything in the hands of the doctors and pharmaceuticals to remedy the damage that technology can do/has done to the kids, our kids?  Parents spend more time away from the children, leave them with babysitters, put on another DVD to keep them occupied.  But what are we teaching these children that we want to keep quiet all the time?

With the divorce rate being what it is, the single parents having to work to support the children left behind and getting home to have no time for the kids because they are exhausted, we have a problem here.  This evolution of techno brain washed kids and the absent parents will create another generation of adults that... only time will tell if they can survive in the real world.

The book teaches, #1 Do not give your kids a cell phone.  #2 Do not give them unsupervised time on games  #3 Do not let kids be on smooth electronic devices including TV more than a total of 2 hours a day.

Most bullying now is on facebook, instagram, and through texting.  If the children don't have the devices, they can't read these harmful words.

(Sending a nude selfie to anyone is definitely out of the question!  Most of us were brought up this way at home. For anyone to consider this is a reveal of a disturbing state of a person's mind. A boorish but feeble attempt to get attention, and it will work for those who see themselves as nothing.)

This part of not having a device to read bullying comments I believe in, but I also know the biggest influence is the bio parents. We the parents have to be the example and get off the phones, the laptops, the ipads, and spend more time with the family than the devices.  The parents need to teach kids the good self image, the kindness, the understanding, to help them get through the bullies they encounter at middle and high school. 

And remember this: the kids that are doing the bullying learned that from their home environment too.  I have witnessed teachers, mothers, fathers, in elementary, middle, and high school bullying children that don't agree with their philosophies. I saw it in college too.  This behavior is learned from the adults everywhere.  We adults are the problem and we adults need to solve it first by becoming aware we are the beginning of the problem and then DO the work to CHANGE. We need to be the example to our own kids.

Then our kids have a chance for survival. The world is a friendly place but only if you perceive it that way.  You will never perceive it that way if you spend more time on electronic devices than you do with real social face to face connections with human beings, meditate, practice positive thoughts, forgiveness, and thankfulness. This builds positive self image and good character.

Yet this is reality.  Some parents may say,"The thinning of the herd will happen," and do nothing for their kids.  And these Glow Kids will lose touch with reality and commit suicide and or end up in jail unless parents wake up and intervene.  Read GLOW KIDS, for scientific facts and your own knowledge. Like Buddha taught, "Don't believe a word I have said, unless you see it and make reason of it yourself." 

Thankful for all children that help us adults wake up and see truth every generation. Thankful for Paula Poundstone suggesting a book with scientific data to help all children. 

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Open Mind, Open Heart

The trip to Montreal was so relaxing. A quick trip up to dinner with a jazz musician.  A good mile walk to the hotel on an autumn night in Montreal!  Simple bed with simple 12X12 room with desk, very cosmopolitan, contemporary bath and shower, comfortable! Yes, yes!

The starting point for us was a train (Rensselaer) stopping over to attach a dome car, yes it was our annual fall foliage trip, this year on the train. The passengers already on the train from Penn station were encouraged to stretch their legs and board again in 15 minutes.  The announcement made as the passengers were coming up the escalator instructed that each needed a boarding pass to re-enter the train.  Some passengers missed the announcement and now the announcer at the top of the stairs told these few people they could not get back on the train without a ticket.

The lucky ones that had their phone, entered their email to show the ticket while others were not so lucky.  What to do?  Some snuck by and got on the train through another unguarded entrance. Others pleaded...

While waiting to get on the train, the person in line behind me, "Serves them right to not get back on, the announcement was made ten times! I would not let them get back on, no way!"

Me to this rigid personality, "What if one of these people are on their way home to bury their mother? We cannot know the reason they may not have heard the announcement. Maybe the speakers did not work on the train before they left their seat, we cannot know why"

This rigid person, "I don't care. There's only one way these people will learn, do not let them back on!"

I told her, "Obviously you are better suited for that job than me, I know I would let them back on with an encouragement to remember the boarding pass for future reference next time."

When we returned from Canada I noticed the announcement was not made on the train as we entered the station, "telling people they need a boarding pass before disembarking," so I gently approached the conductor to let him know about the person at the station  that was not allowing people back on when we came down yesterday and how helpful it would be for him to let people know about the  boarding pass.

To my surprise, 'He said, are you talking about that announcer up stairs?  She is harsh. Yeah we had so many complaints about her yesterday that by the end of the day, Amtrak got rid of that boarding pass requirement altogether."

Thought to myself: "I like that there needs to be some sort of proof to reboard, it would seem for security reasons this is needed...but what do I know? Amtrak owns the trains not me."

I also said a prayer for that harsh passenger behind me in line, that so vehemently declared she would not budge on this matter. I felt for her that she had a life so full of rigid rules that she had come to this in her old age, usually people soften with age but the really hurt ones get harder.


Saturday, October 21, 2017

Third Franciscan Order? OK.

A friend came for dinner again last night. A devout Christian she tells of her journey to find the right religious fit for her, she has traveled many miles and tried many faiths/churches from Catholic to Baptist.

She has settled on a combination of Catholic, Methodist and Lutheran. She was raised Dutch Reformed. In these conversations with each of her ministers they enjoy the lively debate she has about religion in general and has developed a close friendship with each.

In our conversation, laughter, and inquisitive exchanges about religions, she said she was told she was a Third Order Franciscan by the priest she highly admires.  I asked, "How is that? what does this mean? Where do you go to church for that?" She wears a cross around her neck that was given to her by the priest. (The picture below is the silver cross she wears)

She told us it is not somewhere it is who you are.  We both said,"Never heard of that..."  She then explained that Sweetheart and I are Third Order Franciscans. Now I am I really curious, I lean in. "How's that?"

She said, "You both love nature, you both love animals, you both love people, you live by a high moral standard, you would not cheat another person. You are Third Order Franciscan!"

Great just when I'm getting extremely comfortable with being the good hearted, kind, human being I am, now I have to research Third Order Franciscan. This will be fun, off on another adventure of learning, I will decide if I am a Third Franciscan Order and sweetheart will decide if he is...we'll let you know.

No, we cannot be the Third Franciscan Order, it's against our religion to join any religion.  We are sure to disappoint and be labeled "Sinners."  And that we cannot abide! Thanks for the invite thought!

Friday, October 20, 2017

A Cat Knows How to Get the Loving Attention it Wants

I have a beloved cat, Daniel.  We love all our cats but this one keeps pushing to get whatever he wants and we get it for him.  When this kitty wants to be petted he rubs against our legs and hops up in our laps. When he wants more love, he walks over our computer while each of us is working, we put him down on the floor, he jumps up again, we push him down, and he jumps up again. Finally I hold him on my lap so I can finish typing with a promise to hold him, pet him, after.

After, as promised, I pick him up, sit in a big lounge chair and pet him, hug him, kiss him, until he wants to get down. This usually takes only 10 minutes although once in a while rarely, he will sit with me 20 minutes before getting down.  He purrs the entire time.

How would our relationships with our children, spouses, significant others drastically change for the better if only we hug each of them once a day for an entire ten minutes.  Yes we stop what we are doing no matter how pressed for time and sat and hugged for 10 -20 minutes every day.  I bet there would be better communication and better conversation. 

A cat teaches us humans how to heal the world...when will we learn?

Thursday, October 19, 2017

One in a Million? Well I Scored One Out of Six!

Recently I was asked if I would be interested in obtaining a HAZMAT on my license to deliver Yellow III meds. I initially said,"Yes." So I did investigating with the DMV and received so many different answers I asked a friend that owns a driving school about the correct answers, he said, "That DMV is giving you incorrect information, ask a State Trooper.

I was in Poughkeepsie today and drove by a State Police Station and turned in. I asked the police about DMV requirements for a HAZMAT license, the trooper at the desk said, "Just one minute, I know an officer in a nearby office that does nothing but CDL and HAZMAT, I'll give him a call."  He did and the officer appeared at the station in less than 5 minutes.

The officer answered every question I had and gave me more information than anyone at DMV or the hotline could answer. I asked him why he could answer all my questions and the NY DMV could not?

He said, "There are 6 experts in the state of New York on HAZMAT and CDL licenses, and I am one of the six."

What are the odds?  The universe is always taking care of me with first class service!  I love to be first without trying and this is one of those times, once again.  Thank you, universe! And NO, I am not getting a HAZMAT to carry Yellow III in my car and you should not either!  You can ask your local State Police and they will tell you why.  Thanks Officer Spak!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Salad, salad, salad, salad, salad salad, salad,salad...

We all know salad is the best for us all with little or no dressing. So we wake and have a protein shake and then the rest of the day...we make salad, salad, salad,salad,salad,salad,salad,salad,salad, salad, salad,salad,salad,salad,salad,salad, and more salad. everyday we eat salads. We feel great eating salad. Occasionally we add potatoes, sauteed mushrooms, shrimp, nuts, fruits to our salads, they taste great and then after months of eating salads with an occasional Indian dinner, afghan dinner, bean burger, in any given week we say,"I can't eat salad again today. We don't want another heavy dinner, what to eat?

Egg salad sandwich, tomato soup, Welch's grape juice, coffee and flan, topped off with my favorite a liter of filtered water. Time for  a nap.  Tomorrow back to morning protein shake, (I love Isagenix!) and salad, salad, salad.  In time we will get to the healthiest foods our bodies need and that vegan diet our daughter speaks so highly of, after all it is a much kinder diet for sure. A man I met in Canada at a vegan cheese cooking class told me it was this book that made him go vegan. The only way a man can go vegan he advises, "Is the man himself has to decide to go vegan, no woman can make him."

Ok you caught me, I had a piece of pimento cheese toast too, shhhhhush, I know...

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Good Friend, Good Witch

I made her some chocolate cupcakes and gave her a call...she loves chocolate cupcakes.
There is a dear new friend, a writer that I made a point to get in contact with and she has turned into a true treasure. She has written for the local paper for 60 plus years. My mother-in-law enjoyed her light hearted columns about the area the Hudson River which she calls "MY River."  She sits by the river often and marvels at the beauty of it. She tries to write about her river and invites anyone to enjoy it too.

She (30 years older than me) and I talk for hours about life and how we see it, how we have experienced it and though we have very different experiences, we come to the same conclusions as everyone will when wisdom opens your eyes.  It is wonderful to be young but it is wonderful to have years of experiences under your hat that clears the cobwebs of confusion away.

In the end we all see we want the same things, love, peace, enough money to live, enough fun to pass the years, enough laughter to get us through hard times, and enough knowledge to share with one another, we learn many new things from each other.  I love elders.

She kiddingly calls herself the Swamp Witch.  Kids don't go to her house as she lives on the end of a dead end road and her house is usually dark.  Her son thinks kids are afraid of her, she stays to herself mostly. He told her she reminds him of the song by Jim Stafford, "Hattie the Swamp Witch." For October as I was making myself some new fall wreaths, I thought it would be fun to make her a wreath with Hattie the Swamp Witch on it, I did and she LOVES it. 

She is a dear. She wants to meet my husband, she says she has heard of him since her son use to hang out with him as a teenager and heard he was a nice guy.  I said, "Yes, he is, the best guy, the love of my life."   She said,"that's good, my husband was the love of my life too. It is good to hear." So we we're having dinner here soon with my Sweetheart so she can meet him.

Swamp witch? Hardly! She is a lovely lady that loves cats and her albino skunk. That is one skunk I would like to see!

Monday, October 16, 2017

If You Live with A Giving Spirit You will Help Others, and Others will Help You

Sweetheart and I are happy to give of our abundance, our time, and money to help anyone.  I decided long ago to stop giving my money to charities or churches unless I am personally assured the money will go to what I want.  The government has been taking our tax money and spending it in areas I do not want it spent for too long and it is not in my power to guide this, but my personal donations I do have power over.

The last couple of decades I take joy in helping someone in front of me at a pizza parlor, or Walmart, etc. pay for something they can't afford. Recently a young teen wanted a tiara and her mother said, "No. We don't need that, I'm not spending money on that."  I asked her mother would it be ok for me to buy it for her daughter? She said."Yes, thank you." I got a kiss from the teen girl.

Today my husband went into one of his client's and a receptionist needed a mouse and keyboard.  He overheard and went to his car and got a new mouse and keyboard to give to her.  We both like to see first hand that our money goes to help real people.

The joy of giving to others is something we both have done our entire lives, it just feels right. I'm sure many of you that read this blog give to others too. Matter of fact, I have seen many people give freely to others in my everyday experiences. There are many good, giving, spirits among us.  Share your giving spirit experience, so we can be thankful for more people like you and me.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Here is One Good Thing Ivanka Trump Will Never Experience

We cut off cablevision and choose to focus on our work at hand. The stress level for us has been  greatly reduced for my husband in particular.  He signed on Hulu for 30 days free to see Seinfeld episodes.  I went on Hulu to see what was there and I see if you want to watch TV there it is again. No thanks.

Briefly scanned around saw nothing of real interest to me but saw a Katy Perry concert and thought it would give me a glimpse into this generation's thinking. This concert was so full of disjointed stunts, costumes that remind me of cartoons, unrelated acts, dull music and lyrics that had no wisdom to communicate that, for the first time I worried about that generation. She is a beautiful woman with a good voice but...

I fell asleep and woke up to an autoplay of Hulu shows now playing a documentary on "Born Rich."It showed kids born into wealth that made the kids have no purpose. They knew from the time they were little that all their worldly needs would be taken care of, they did not ever need to work, they did not ever need to go to school, they did not ever have to do anything but play and enjoy the wealthy life provided them by their grandfathers. Out of all the kids interviewed Ivanka Trump seemed the most grounded.  She showed the pink bedroom she grew up in with a Bon Jovi poster on the wall and talked of living on the 68th floor. Her view upon waking was a glass window ceiling to floor of Central Park and she commented, "Not a bad view to wake up to every day."

And yet I thought, "How long does she have to ride an elevator up and down daily every single time she needs to go home to her room on the 68th floor? When she to gets to the ground floor of that building in NYC the doors open to a concrete street full of people bustling everywhere, noise of constant traffic horns, smells of mixed foods that can at times smell like a garbage can, and air pollution to breathe every day. How far does she have to walk to get to that view of Central Park? Or even if she rides in a limousine to get there, she steps out into a park full of people, including trash, the smell of urine, and you always have to look over your shoulder there, there could be muggers there. Yes I have been to Central Park many times, is not safe. This city is not a place of peaceful existence and natural harmony..

Sure the city never sleeps, but I like to sleep. Sure you can get any ethnic restaurant 24/7, but I can get ethnic food here while living peacefully in a small town in the country. I have immigrant friends over for dinner enjoy eating their ethnic food with conversation with them.  I like to eat homemade food out on my deck in the sunshine with nature at my feet. I need only to step outside any door here and I'm in my own private Central Park with no people, odious smells, or danger of getting mugged. No long elevator rides to get in and out of my house.

There are parks right here in upstate New York to explore with your family and friends, (Adirondack is largest,) much more beautiful and safer than Central Park.  All of us can enjoy the parks here without so many people, smells, and danger. NYC is not a safe and peaceful place.

One thing Ivanka will never experience... is a night like we had last night, sitting on the deck relaxing, listening to owls, while two black bears walk across the back yard.  To each his own.

Do you know how lucky you are to be right where you are now?

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Paula Poundstone Empty Plastic Pepsi Bottle, Say that Fast 10 Times

Sweetheart and  I went to see my favorite comedian last night, Paula Poundstone. Sweetheart likes Jerry Seinfeld and what we notice about both  of these is they are CLEAN comics.  I think you can tell a lot about someone's favorite comedian by who they choose.  I like many, many, comedians but the ones I believe are the most talented are the ones who speak about their own lives from their funny perspective and not joke, put down, or gossip about others AND do NOT make graphic descriptions about any bodily function. 

Poundstone has from the  beginning of her career made me laugh out loud about life and the funny things we all do living it best we can.  Her heart for kindness, loving all people, and really caring has shown through in her act always.  I do believe I have seen more of her live shows than any other comedian.  Rachel Feinstein and Ryan Hamilton are two upcoming new comedians that are clean and extremely funny as well. Check these out on YouTube and yes these two come to the capital district from time to time and yes we have seen them live.

It's so easy to come in the front door of a theater, find your seat, laugh at the show and leave, content. But last night I felt, we are all getting older, even Paula, and we have followed her career and life for 38 years, I wanted to wait around to get her autograph and speak with her again.  I did not hurry, I did not care to be first in line so we hung near the wall across from her table set up to sign her new book and cds for her fans.  I knew she would entertain as she talked to each person and share a laugh and she did.  As I stood there I silently sent loving thoughts and good white light to her.  I have often thought, "When I meet a celebrity, I have nothing to talk to them about.  We live different lives and although we are ONE, we travel different paths. Outside of the theater, we have nothing in common, no reason to hang out together. And although she professes she has no social life, I know she has a much more active social life than us.  We are real loners by choice."

She revealed from stage her discovery of the damage social media, smooth computers, have done to her son and suggested everyone read the book,  Glow Kids by Nicholas Kardaras.  She is a mother first, she loves her three children mightily.  She is committed to helping all her children like all good mothers and in this we had a connection outside the stage.

When we were the last to step up to her table we talked about her great talent and how we have enjoyed it for 38 years and will always go see her, and we talked about our children and the concern we have for their well being.  I knew I liked this woman.  Now I know why I like her even more, she is a single working mother by choice.  She adopted those children because she wanted to love them and give them a home, she did not adopt them for PR reasons, she really wanted to make a difference in their lives and now facing problems  like all of us she has a mission to help them.  She is visiting authors, researchers, doctors, gathering information and sharing it from her platform to warn other parents to be careful with your children, these social medias are set up to brainwash our children and control their thoughts.

As parents we need to teach children our points of human decency and respect for each other and the world to have peace.  If we don't limit time on the electronic devices and take the time to spend time outdoors doing activities that teach them to explore the world on their own and find peace in being in nature we are doing the next generation a disservice.

Thinking for yourself, being strong about being positive about life and other people even though we have differing views is the way to unite us all, put down gossip, weapons of destruction, words that hurt innocence. We don't need to agree about everything but we need to agree to listen and then disagree without threats and violence.

Oh yeah, Paula had a Pepsi bottle she sipped on throughout the performance on stage and she had it at the signing desk.  She finished the last sip just before we stepped up to speak with her, after, I asked her if i could have her empty plastic pepsi bottle for my shadow box she laughed and said, "Yes."

Thank you for sharing your talent with the world.

And Paula, Love the Loonie Tunes Zoot suits and shoes! But most of all I love you. Namaste.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Everything Comfortable You Gave Me

This morning I was making up my side of the bed and at the end of the bed felt a warm heater. I bought this for my Sweetheart years ago because he cannot get warm easily. I said, "you cold last night? Glad I could not feel the heat, it would have kept me awake."

He replied, "Everything that has ever brought me comfort, you gave me."

(I am glad I bought heating pads and heating blankets with dual controls as I slept with the fan blowing on me all night again.  I rarely if ever use a heating pad.)

Me: "Comforts? Does this include, conversations, comfy blankets, trying new foods, buying clothes that make him look sharp and actually fits his slim physique, going to new places, and the many other great ideas I have?" (Yes I'm a female and I am always pushing for those extra compliments from my man)

He: "Yes, you are the best thing I ever did. You opened a world to me I would never have known on my own."

Me: "You did the same for me. You have made my life better too."

I.E. He has built things for the house, like the specific molding I wanted but could not find for the ceiling in two rooms, help me with creative ideas to accomplish an art piece or build a stand to display it, gives me great ideas to write about , works to pay the bills, buy necessities for living. (Lights, groceries, oil, cars, etc. not to mention always help any of family members stranded on the road or in need of transportation, gives money freely to family as needed, or will find a way to work more to get money for his family, I will too, sits by my bed to nurse me when I am sick, etc.)

We are a good pair, we are both opinionated, strong willed, stubborn, loud at times and lock horns, kindhearted caring individuals, we are equal in this union.  An angry noodle back man or an angry noodle back woman would not be as happy in this relationship with either of us...

We learned to live in peace, we worked at it, and we find our happiness with one another.  It was a hard road traveled at times but we made it. 

Everything comfortable we gave to each other. Namaste. 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

We All Have a Creative Mind, We Like to Use Ours"

My husband, like me never lets lack of money stop us from having things we need and for me some things I want.  Ever since I was out on my own if I saw something I wanted, I would make it, or build it or find it at a flea market and refinish it. I married a man just like me. If he needs a tool, he will make it out of something he has in his shop.  If he's working on a project for his computer business he will create whatever he needs. Yes, we are amazing.

He wanted a wrap for his car. He got a quote and it was high so he designed the complete decal,with finishing touches, colors, and asked for my opinion... ordered the decals online. With exact calculations and his engineering mind the decal arrived and he patiently with precision smoothed it onto his car.  It looks professional.  He is amazing.

I love being married to a man, who like me, finds a way to get things done... the creative mind always finds a way if you just think...

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Honesty is the Best Policy or is it?

How often do we say, "Well to be perfectly honest with you..."

What are we doing the rest of the time? Lying?

How about we are honest all the time with a positive outlook?

Quite frankly, and to be perfectly honest with you, if you are a negative ninny, I don't care to listen to your ongoing negative outlook on life.  I do not need anyone else to help me get negative, I can do that all by myself.

We turned off cablevision, turned off the news, and stay off social media the majority of the day. A huge improvement in our attitudes. I will choose to be joyful, I'm sliding down the other side of 50, not much time left to be happy. (And I will be happy, I choose it)

I practice meditation and do www.thework.com with Byron Katie, it is so healing to me. Honesty with a positive spin is so refreshing, don't you agree? What do you do every day to stay positive in this crazy world?

Have I said too much?

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Virtue of Patience Pays

Standing patiently in line today at the DMV I met another person standing patiently in line. I took notice of her patience and told her I use to bring a book when visiting the DMV but now I have my phone.  She told me of how she has much patience because she has 4 children under the age of eight, I think. Anyway I know she is a busy young mother. A patient mother is a real gift to children

She related a story of how she needed a new screen for her phone and showed up at Verizon with $200 in her hand (The costs this repair would normally be) and had to wait a very long time. She was the last customer for the day, the employees thanked her for her patience and she replied, "It's ok you are busy and it's not your fault." They, because of her kind answer, patient virtue, appreciated it so much that they gave her a new phone for free. Something a mother of 4 really appreciated!

I also have experienced this many times.  Being understanding and patiently pleasant to service men working on my car, this has gotten me discounts and even some free work.  Kindness does pay but you never know when it will pay, so I practice this always never expecting anything in return.  As a result, I have gotten many things for free.  People like to give to those that are patient and kind to them.

Life is easier when you chillax and other people will appreciate it. Do you have an incidence when you got something for free when you were patiently kind? Share your story, I love these happy stories.  If you don't have a story, try it, patient virtue every day for a month, I know in one month's time, you will get something for free. The universe is full of friendly giving people.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Living the High Life with Butternut Squash and My Sweetheart

Homemade butternut squash soup did not come out as tasty as before. It is the first of the season for me. I usually use butternut squash and bake and scoop from scratch but this time I used butternut cubes sold in the produce section to hurry up the process. The cubes did not taste like my butternut. 

So I made the base and asked Sweetheart to help me season it.  It would take his sensitive nose to season it to edible.  He has much more experience with spices as his mother used many of them.  Must be a Northern thing.  3 hours later, a little thyme, a little sage, a little sauteed onion, a little Adobe, a dab more of maple syrup and Voila! We sat down on the deck with the crisp October air and a wine goblet of cold apple cider with my best friend. 

We have a lot more time to remedy a butternut soup now that the chicks have flown the nest.  A relaxing and fun way to spend an afternoon in between my writing and his computer business. Life is grand on the River.

Cheers to my Sweetheart!

Sunday, October 8, 2017

My Eyes and the Ability to READ Autobiographies & Biographies

I was teaching an art class to children 5-10 years old and one of the 8 year old children asked me, "What do like best to do? Art?"  I told the children I like best to READ.  I am so thankful I was taught to read for to read opens the wonders of the entire world to anyone that reads.

My confusion about the angry people in my family, the greedy acts of relatives, politicians, the bullying at school to other students that I would not abide was  major source of confusion and anger to me.  But I read the Bible, learned to research the KJV Bible in depth with Greek and Hebrew Lexicons, (I did not get all the answers I sought there) I read self-help books by many, many, authors, (too numerous to mention) and I began to read biographies and autobiographies of women and men in history I admired. 

What I learned was that these accomplished men and women of worthy note to me, mostly leaders and the founders in politics of this country, had serious addictions, family problems, bullies in politics, cheating, lying, friends and relatives, that they too had to navigate around, the difference?  They knew they could.  Someone in their education or personal life taught them to believe in themselves and move on.

This kind of strength can come from a belief in your religion, or a loving person that helps you, or it can come from within you if you are strong enough to keep going and keep reading to re-enforce the mindset that "You can make it on your own,"  that you will meet people who will help you if you ask. You can have peace of mind inside.  To have this help, you have to let go of that big EGO that tells you, "I don't need anybody." Yes you do, we all do.

I am so thankful for all the strangers I met along my way that helped me when my family was not able.  This world is mostly a place where many people will help you and want you to succeed even if they do not know you. My husband, me, our children, are among the good samaritans that will help others in need and learned the hard way where to set boundaries.  When you want to help others you will get taken advantage of until you learn to read people and set boundaries.

I have always said, "It is better I am taken advantage of by another, rather than me be the one to take advantage of someone weaker than me."  Namaste.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Gun Control Laws, like Alcohol Prohibition will go Underground and the Black Market will Prevail

Prohibition did not take when put into law, and gun control will not take either. It will lead to underground markets, in time government will have to repeal gun laws to make our country safer.
Prohibition lasted 14 years before it was repealed and the violence created as a result was massive.

Sidebar: Politicians/lawyers partake in alcohol frequently, read books to learn about JF Kennedy, (His father made millions by bootlegging during prohibition) we still elected his son president, (JFK used LSD and Marijuana to combat his Addison's disease), LB Johnson, FDR, Martin Van Buren...you name a president and politician, look up their history. Today in DC alcohol and social events go hand in hand, accepted by all. Was prohibition effective? Even politicians went against the law...

Prohibition was not a constitutional right and that caused quite an uproar.

My point?
Let's work with the gun owners now, what the people want is to keep their guns and skip the people's' uprising over a constitutional right being taken away by Federal law. This will keep America safer.

I Thank God George Washington Was Not a Lawyer

George Washington warns the nation in his Farewell Address to beware of those in power in government. This is a short summary of what he said:

"What does the first president of a new nation, spawned by violent revolutionary war against the world's mightiest imperial power, say upon his departure? George Washington in 1796 warns his fellow countrymen (blacks and women could not vote at this time) "The habits of free thinking in a free Country" should prevail and that the division of powers between the different "spheres of government' (i.e. branches) should be jealously guarded. But he suspected this would not be the case over time and that one branch of government would prevail over the others (a new monarch?) and that this would be "the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed."

Young people today, as young generations before, are naive to the way laws are enforced once allowed to be put in place by politicians.  On the surface a law seems good for everybody, but once in the hands if the Federal government politicians, the lawyers will disempower the the average citizen.

I submit a personal case in point of gun law.  I live in a county where the judge wants Federal gun control laws in place, he believes "it is the right thing to do."  Since the Federal government has not been able to do this he has made it impossible to get a legal gun license in my county.  How?  I paid the monies needed, I took the gun safety course required, I had all requirements completed  with the character references written and went to complete the final step to become a legal gun permit licensed holder.  Once at the police station, I was told the judge now wanted each character reference person who already wrote one page for me, to now write a two page document on why they believe I am of good character to get this license.

The policeman told me this judge will not let you get a gun permit. (Even though it is my constitutional right to get one.) The policeman told me this judge will throw up more and more paperwork roadblocks until I give up.  I did not get my license, I do not own a gun, but I got an education of how lawyers/judges/politicians get what they want even if it is against my constitutional right. 

If the Federal Government gets this foothold, if they fool the average American into thinking gun control will stop gun violence, the government will put laws into place to stop anyone that takes an aspirin as being unfit to own a gun.

The second amendment was put in place to help the average citizen keep political tyrants, dictators, despotism, from over powering them in their homes. Make no mistake, when the government gets involved with individual rights being detailed, the right will soon be removed.  Look at history.

In the video posted on facebook about gun control. Obama never answered the man's questions about: Why Chicago has strict gun laws in place yet has the highest murder numbers in America? It is because people kill people. No law will stop this, but a gun in the hand of a law abiding citizen can possibly stop a murderer.

The only peace I have ever known, I found inside of me.  In this I rest because the world will never have world peace until every person stops violently blaming others, pointing fingers, and wanting death to anyone that disagrees with them. Any politician that wishes death on a fellow American needs to be taken out of office immediately.

We may be imperfect but this free government is the first of its kind in the world and in time with good, morally upright, law abiding politicians in place, (We need to vote a few out now...) we are still the country immigrants come to for our individual freedoms and the opportunities here. Let's keep it that way.

Friday, October 6, 2017

The Stoic's Response

My Sweetheart reads the daily stoic everyday. We discuss how it fits into life but sometimes I say, "Well yes and no...if this happened....

He told me today, you need to write a book entitled, "The Rebuttal to the Stoics."

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Immigrants Know Respect

Tonight I met another young man with such a great attitude. He sees no color only his human race. Positive, upbeat, respectful, far away from home.  He sees the office of President of the United States as a position to show respect to the person that sits there whether you voted for him/her or not. He says, once the people have spoken you must accept the elected one and wait for the next election.

I agree. We need more immigrants like this one. We need more Americans like this.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

We Breeze in and He Breezes Out

The world is an adventure waiting to unfold and I want to be a part of all the lovely experiences I can. There is not a legal and morally upright event I won't venture to experience if I believe I will learn something of benefit for my health or mind or have fun.

There is a "Peace Village" near us at Hunter Mountain, breathtaking views, vegetarians that practice the Brahma Kamaris religion. It is open to the public.

Sometimes I visit Peace Village alone for relaxation and prayerful meditation with good likeminded people that live there. I check the calendar of events they observe throughout the year. On this Sunday I decided to go and hear one of their world leaders speak, I asked Sweetheart if he'd like to go, they're serving a free lunch, it is in the mountains, it will be beautiful, just you and me, let's go together...and he said, "Yes."

When we arrived at the lecture room, we were asked to take our shoes off. Me, no problem, my husband, no deal. He already feels like an outcast because he kept his shoes on. The speaker gave the teaching and it was good but Sweetheart worried he was seen as an anarchist for not removing his shoes. I told him, "Don't worry, you are not the first to do this I'm sure." Afterwards the teacher wanted to give us a red thread bracelet, give each of us a blessing, put a red dot on the forehead as a ceremonial sign of respecting all women of the world and a dessert snack.

Sweetheart watches a couple of people go up front, sit in front of this great teacher, stare into her eyes for a minute or two...she said this was important for us to connect, and then she gave words of blessing for each individual, tied a red thread bracelet on you, put a red dot on your forehead and gave you a delicious treat. Sweetheart said, "I'd like to have that snack, this is taking too long to get to the free lunch but this is weird and I'm not going up there to stare into anyone's eyes, I'm out of here."

Me: "Ok, I'll meet you after."

An hour or more later, it takes a lot of time to stare and tie and dot 30 some people...I join him outside. He is apologizing for leaving me alone on our "date," "I tell him, no big deal. Let's go enjoy the free lunch provided outside." I no more worried about what anyone thought of him or my husband than what season it was. I have no control over either, so why worry? The lunch was delicious. The afternoon sitting in the gazebo enjoying the mountain view, priceless. I have another item, a red bracelet with a gold medallion for a shadow box of my adventures.

I may breeze in to see what is happening but like my Sweetheart, if I don't like it, I'll breeze out. Ain't love grand? I love this man, we are different but so alike in our core. Thank you universe for bringing us together. 😉

Monday, October 2, 2017

Another Legal Immigrant Speaks

Today I met another very interesting American citizen He has been here 15 years and he traveled here because he heard such beautiful stories about individual freedom here in the USA.  He is from Gambia, Africa.  He knows the power of a dictator who cannot be taken out of office.  He left his country to earn money here to send to his country to legally get the dictator, Yahya Jammeh out of office.  Jammeh like other power crazy angry men, made anyone that spoke against him, disappear.

He tells me his people from all over the world, Canada, Europe, America, sent a lot of money to the oppositional underground to fund their efforts to oust this murderer. He has a passion and love for his family back in Gambia so he lives meagerly here so he can send the majority of his money to his African family.  He is a bachelor by choice. He is so passionate about the politics in his country that he actually went back to Gambia in December 2016 to see the new leader, Adama Barrow take his office.

He told of how the former country leader refused to leave after he was voted out by the people. Jammeh was warned he would be killed if he did not leave the capital residence. In the end Jammeh was taken by force out to a prison in a surrounding country.  He had the good sense to walk out instead of being executed.

Now this legal immigrant, this passionate, good hearted man, is so pleased and happy for his family in Gambia yet he will stay here for the money he makes to send home.  America needs immigrants like this man to remind us of who we use to be before we became materialistic and selfish.  We have it so good here and yet we complain.

This man, this legal citizen I met loves the USA.  As we talked about our current president Trump, he has no ill feelings towards any US president elected.  There is so much opportunity here, I love it here.  As we talked about Senators and Congressmen who do not have termed seats, he like me agree...

These politicians must be out after serving a limited number of years, (8 years is enough for all of them) to get totally out politics and let new blood serve.  For politicians to stay in unlimited amounts of time is how corruption sets in.  These people who are funded by special interest groups become selfish. Sex, drugs, alcohol, personal luxuries at the civilians' expense is inevitable.  It is human nature.  Selfishness with free rides on taxpayer's unlimited money causes inbred corruption in the system.  He like many Americans want term limits on everyone in the government, senators, congressmen, governors, mayors, and maybe the Supreme Court. This is the only way to keep the leaders in check, doing the right thing for the citizens.

Anyone want to start this petition?  We need a lawyer to do this I do believe to get inside the machinery of Washington DC and get these laws in place. I'll sign, who's with me?

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Fathers are Important too

There are so many women, especially celebrities, who say "I make every decision in light of what is best for the children." Yet the divorce rate is higher than ever.  How about instead of constantly removing men from the home of their children through divorce, we see that the father stays in the house with the bio mother, helping raise his children? How about we begin to understand that a father is just as important as the mother?  The family unit must be strong to make the children strong.

The most important thing a mother can do for her children is love their father, help him stay in the house with his kids.

There was a time when the law gave women no right to her children, now the law has swung too far the other way and women are too quick to take the men out of the house.  We have to find a middle ground to keep fathers and mothers in the house with the children.  Children need their bio parents.

Women have got to stand up and speak to maintain peace and kindness in the home. A passive aggressive mother never helped anyone, least of all the children.

A personal opinion, I like the polarity of the two sexes to teach children.