Tuesday, October 3, 2017

We Breeze in and He Breezes Out

The world is an adventure waiting to unfold and I want to be a part of all the lovely experiences I can. There is not a legal and morally upright event I won't venture to experience if I believe I will learn something of benefit for my health or mind or have fun.

There is a "Peace Village" near us at Hunter Mountain, breathtaking views, vegetarians that practice the Brahma Kamaris religion. It is open to the public.

Sometimes I visit Peace Village alone for relaxation and prayerful meditation with good likeminded people that live there. I check the calendar of events they observe throughout the year. On this Sunday I decided to go and hear one of their world leaders speak, I asked Sweetheart if he'd like to go, they're serving a free lunch, it is in the mountains, it will be beautiful, just you and me, let's go together...and he said, "Yes."

When we arrived at the lecture room, we were asked to take our shoes off. Me, no problem, my husband, no deal. He already feels like an outcast because he kept his shoes on. The speaker gave the teaching and it was good but Sweetheart worried he was seen as an anarchist for not removing his shoes. I told him, "Don't worry, you are not the first to do this I'm sure." Afterwards the teacher wanted to give us a red thread bracelet, give each of us a blessing, put a red dot on the forehead as a ceremonial sign of respecting all women of the world and a dessert snack.

Sweetheart watches a couple of people go up front, sit in front of this great teacher, stare into her eyes for a minute or two...she said this was important for us to connect, and then she gave words of blessing for each individual, tied a red thread bracelet on you, put a red dot on your forehead and gave you a delicious treat. Sweetheart said, "I'd like to have that snack, this is taking too long to get to the free lunch but this is weird and I'm not going up there to stare into anyone's eyes, I'm out of here."

Me: "Ok, I'll meet you after."

An hour or more later, it takes a lot of time to stare and tie and dot 30 some people...I join him outside. He is apologizing for leaving me alone on our "date," "I tell him, no big deal. Let's go enjoy the free lunch provided outside." I no more worried about what anyone thought of him or my husband than what season it was. I have no control over either, so why worry? The lunch was delicious. The afternoon sitting in the gazebo enjoying the mountain view, priceless. I have another item, a red bracelet with a gold medallion for a shadow box of my adventures.

I may breeze in to see what is happening but like my Sweetheart, if I don't like it, I'll breeze out. Ain't love grand? I love this man, we are different but so alike in our core. Thank you universe for bringing us together. 😉

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