Monday, October 2, 2017

Another Legal Immigrant Speaks

Today I met another very interesting American citizen He has been here 15 years and he traveled here because he heard such beautiful stories about individual freedom here in the USA.  He is from Gambia, Africa.  He knows the power of a dictator who cannot be taken out of office.  He left his country to earn money here to send to his country to legally get the dictator, Yahya Jammeh out of office.  Jammeh like other power crazy angry men, made anyone that spoke against him, disappear.

He tells me his people from all over the world, Canada, Europe, America, sent a lot of money to the oppositional underground to fund their efforts to oust this murderer. He has a passion and love for his family back in Gambia so he lives meagerly here so he can send the majority of his money to his African family.  He is a bachelor by choice. He is so passionate about the politics in his country that he actually went back to Gambia in December 2016 to see the new leader, Adama Barrow take his office.

He told of how the former country leader refused to leave after he was voted out by the people. Jammeh was warned he would be killed if he did not leave the capital residence. In the end Jammeh was taken by force out to a prison in a surrounding country.  He had the good sense to walk out instead of being executed.

Now this legal immigrant, this passionate, good hearted man, is so pleased and happy for his family in Gambia yet he will stay here for the money he makes to send home.  America needs immigrants like this man to remind us of who we use to be before we became materialistic and selfish.  We have it so good here and yet we complain.

This man, this legal citizen I met loves the USA.  As we talked about our current president Trump, he has no ill feelings towards any US president elected.  There is so much opportunity here, I love it here.  As we talked about Senators and Congressmen who do not have termed seats, he like me agree...

These politicians must be out after serving a limited number of years, (8 years is enough for all of them) to get totally out politics and let new blood serve.  For politicians to stay in unlimited amounts of time is how corruption sets in.  These people who are funded by special interest groups become selfish. Sex, drugs, alcohol, personal luxuries at the civilians' expense is inevitable.  It is human nature.  Selfishness with free rides on taxpayer's unlimited money causes inbred corruption in the system.  He like many Americans want term limits on everyone in the government, senators, congressmen, governors, mayors, and maybe the Supreme Court. This is the only way to keep the leaders in check, doing the right thing for the citizens.

Anyone want to start this petition?  We need a lawyer to do this I do believe to get inside the machinery of Washington DC and get these laws in place. I'll sign, who's with me?

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