Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Salad, salad, salad, salad, salad salad, salad,salad...

We all know salad is the best for us all with little or no dressing. So we wake and have a protein shake and then the rest of the day...we make salad, salad, salad,salad,salad,salad,salad,salad,salad, salad, salad,salad,salad,salad,salad,salad, and more salad. everyday we eat salads. We feel great eating salad. Occasionally we add potatoes, sauteed mushrooms, shrimp, nuts, fruits to our salads, they taste great and then after months of eating salads with an occasional Indian dinner, afghan dinner, bean burger, in any given week we say,"I can't eat salad again today. We don't want another heavy dinner, what to eat?

Egg salad sandwich, tomato soup, Welch's grape juice, coffee and flan, topped off with my favorite a liter of filtered water. Time for  a nap.  Tomorrow back to morning protein shake, (I love Isagenix!) and salad, salad, salad.  In time we will get to the healthiest foods our bodies need and that vegan diet our daughter speaks so highly of, after all it is a much kinder diet for sure. A man I met in Canada at a vegan cheese cooking class told me it was this book that made him go vegan. The only way a man can go vegan he advises, "Is the man himself has to decide to go vegan, no woman can make him."

Ok you caught me, I had a piece of pimento cheese toast too, shhhhhush, I know...

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