Thursday, October 12, 2017

We All Have a Creative Mind, We Like to Use Ours"

My husband, like me never lets lack of money stop us from having things we need and for me some things I want.  Ever since I was out on my own if I saw something I wanted, I would make it, or build it or find it at a flea market and refinish it. I married a man just like me. If he needs a tool, he will make it out of something he has in his shop.  If he's working on a project for his computer business he will create whatever he needs. Yes, we are amazing.

He wanted a wrap for his car. He got a quote and it was high so he designed the complete decal,with finishing touches, colors, and asked for my opinion... ordered the decals online. With exact calculations and his engineering mind the decal arrived and he patiently with precision smoothed it onto his car.  It looks professional.  He is amazing.

I love being married to a man, who like me, finds a way to get things done... the creative mind always finds a way if you just think...

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