Sunday, October 15, 2017

Here is One Good Thing Ivanka Trump Will Never Experience

We cut off cablevision and choose to focus on our work at hand. The stress level for us has been  greatly reduced for my husband in particular.  He signed on Hulu for 30 days free to see Seinfeld episodes.  I went on Hulu to see what was there and I see if you want to watch TV there it is again. No thanks.

Briefly scanned around saw nothing of real interest to me but saw a Katy Perry concert and thought it would give me a glimpse into this generation's thinking. This concert was so full of disjointed stunts, costumes that remind me of cartoons, unrelated acts, dull music and lyrics that had no wisdom to communicate that, for the first time I worried about that generation. She is a beautiful woman with a good voice but...

I fell asleep and woke up to an autoplay of Hulu shows now playing a documentary on "Born Rich."It showed kids born into wealth that made the kids have no purpose. They knew from the time they were little that all their worldly needs would be taken care of, they did not ever need to work, they did not ever need to go to school, they did not ever have to do anything but play and enjoy the wealthy life provided them by their grandfathers. Out of all the kids interviewed Ivanka Trump seemed the most grounded.  She showed the pink bedroom she grew up in with a Bon Jovi poster on the wall and talked of living on the 68th floor. Her view upon waking was a glass window ceiling to floor of Central Park and she commented, "Not a bad view to wake up to every day."

And yet I thought, "How long does she have to ride an elevator up and down daily every single time she needs to go home to her room on the 68th floor? When she to gets to the ground floor of that building in NYC the doors open to a concrete street full of people bustling everywhere, noise of constant traffic horns, smells of mixed foods that can at times smell like a garbage can, and air pollution to breathe every day. How far does she have to walk to get to that view of Central Park? Or even if she rides in a limousine to get there, she steps out into a park full of people, including trash, the smell of urine, and you always have to look over your shoulder there, there could be muggers there. Yes I have been to Central Park many times, is not safe. This city is not a place of peaceful existence and natural harmony..

Sure the city never sleeps, but I like to sleep. Sure you can get any ethnic restaurant 24/7, but I can get ethnic food here while living peacefully in a small town in the country. I have immigrant friends over for dinner enjoy eating their ethnic food with conversation with them.  I like to eat homemade food out on my deck in the sunshine with nature at my feet. I need only to step outside any door here and I'm in my own private Central Park with no people, odious smells, or danger of getting mugged. No long elevator rides to get in and out of my house.

There are parks right here in upstate New York to explore with your family and friends, (Adirondack is largest,) much more beautiful and safer than Central Park.  All of us can enjoy the parks here without so many people, smells, and danger. NYC is not a safe and peaceful place.

One thing Ivanka will never experience... is a night like we had last night, sitting on the deck relaxing, listening to owls, while two black bears walk across the back yard.  To each his own.

Do you know how lucky you are to be right where you are now?

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