Monday, October 30, 2017

People Tell You to forget the Bad times... I disagree, here's WHY!

Happiness of a new job is soon lost as we get used to the routine and find the once complex workings of the job are now mastered by us and we become somewhat bored even unthankful. Now we look for things and people to complain about including our wages, too low! The owners have enough to give us all a raise, so we think, we know best!

Happiness of a new car is lost when it becomes dented by a fender bender or a newer model comes out that we think is better and we now want another car not this one.  We will even work a job to pay for a newer fancier car. The new car will be better.

Happiness of a marriage is lost when we begin to see the princess or prince is not as brave or as good as we thought they were before we really "knew her/him."  And we will trade that wife/husband in for a newer, fresher model, as if the new one will have no flaws either.  The same restlessness is in us.

Happiness of a new baby is soon lost when we learn how much hands on work it is and how many hours of sleep we lose and we soon look to find a babysitter, day care, nanny, so we do not have to do this either, we would rather work a job. It is a much better use of our valuable time.

I say remember the bad times...the time you were afraid and did not have enough money to pay your rent, and you finally got this job?  Remember when you rode subways and buses and missed your ride, late to work again?  Try to explain that to your boss again.

And be thankful/

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