Friday, October 27, 2017

Yes, they are only little once...let them be free!

Sweetheart wanted me to write this blog.

Let them be free, let them splash in the creek and catch tadpoles, let them color your wall with crayons, let them climb a tree that a babysitter would not, let them sit on your lap and pretend to drive a car while you cross Lake Champlain on the ferry, let them bring insects in your house that they caught and ran into the kitchen to show you, let them run in a meadow until they drop exhausted and laughing beside you, and both of you look for animal shapes in the clouds, let them swing, run, jump, line up the 300 Matchbox cars you bought for them, make a train zoom around a railroad track you built with them, dance with them in the kitchen while you cook dinner, sing songs with them, read books with them, as long as they want to because you have all day to be with them having fun.

These children will spend more time being adults and living with deadlines like you do now than laughing and playing with you, their parents.  The first seven years of the child's life is all you have to bond with them forever. If you don't have seven years to give to each child, don't have them.  Give them up for adoption, there are many childless couples that would love to be stay at home parents.

Let them teach you how to be happy and enjoy the JOY of living. Be with your kids, they will teach you the virtue of patience that will benefit both of you for the rest of your life. You will make mistakes for sure but if you spend time with them teaching the goodness of life when they get older they will forgive you easier.  We made mistakes, we asked forgiveness when they were older and we were forgiven.  We tried to give them us, freedom, time, and they are the better for it.

This was told to us by our grown children, they say "Thanks" to both of us now for always supporting their interests and listening to their side of every story,and always having their back when in trouble. I say to each of them," Thank you for teaching me what true love and patience is... We are happier because of learning to be with each of them and teaching them. 

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