Thursday, October 26, 2017

Waiting in line behind a lottery lady

Today I was heading out of town and I stopped in a convenient mart to pick up a chef salad on my way.  When I walked in an older white haired lady (assume retired) was bent over a bevy of lottery ticket as I hurried by.  There was no one in the store but us two, I grabbed a salad and headed for the register when I turned to get a bag of chips nearby this white haired lady runs to get in front of me lays all these tickets on the counter and has the cashier look at each one, why I don't know...I have never bought a lottery ticket in my life as I think it is a waste of hard earned money.

He gives her what looks like two dollars and some change and then she proceeds to buy more.  She looks and finds a couple of these and a couple of those and no maybe three of those...

I'm thinking, "Is she for real?  There some of us who need to get somewhere today and she looks as if she is going home to read the rest of the day I guess...I don't think she has much to do. Why did she jump in line ahead of me and now a line of 4 more people have grabbed their morning coffee and are behind me."

I turned to the person behind me as the woman is taking 5, 6, 7, minutes to choose lottery tickets...good grief, I say, does she really need to buy those now? The rest of us have somewhere to be...called work."

She told me, she is here every morning picking lottery tickets and holding up the line.  I think, "It is time to take real legislative action and make it illegal to purchase lottery tickets between the hours of 6AM and 9AM.  The numbers and the money paid out will be the same no matter what time she cashes in or out or whatever she is doing...right?"

Time to practice "Loving what is..."  Thankful for the day.

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