Sunday, October 8, 2017

My Eyes and the Ability to READ Autobiographies & Biographies

I was teaching an art class to children 5-10 years old and one of the 8 year old children asked me, "What do like best to do? Art?"  I told the children I like best to READ.  I am so thankful I was taught to read for to read opens the wonders of the entire world to anyone that reads.

My confusion about the angry people in my family, the greedy acts of relatives, politicians, the bullying at school to other students that I would not abide was  major source of confusion and anger to me.  But I read the Bible, learned to research the KJV Bible in depth with Greek and Hebrew Lexicons, (I did not get all the answers I sought there) I read self-help books by many, many, authors, (too numerous to mention) and I began to read biographies and autobiographies of women and men in history I admired. 

What I learned was that these accomplished men and women of worthy note to me, mostly leaders and the founders in politics of this country, had serious addictions, family problems, bullies in politics, cheating, lying, friends and relatives, that they too had to navigate around, the difference?  They knew they could.  Someone in their education or personal life taught them to believe in themselves and move on.

This kind of strength can come from a belief in your religion, or a loving person that helps you, or it can come from within you if you are strong enough to keep going and keep reading to re-enforce the mindset that "You can make it on your own,"  that you will meet people who will help you if you ask. You can have peace of mind inside.  To have this help, you have to let go of that big EGO that tells you, "I don't need anybody." Yes you do, we all do.

I am so thankful for all the strangers I met along my way that helped me when my family was not able.  This world is mostly a place where many people will help you and want you to succeed even if they do not know you. My husband, me, our children, are among the good samaritans that will help others in need and learned the hard way where to set boundaries.  When you want to help others you will get taken advantage of until you learn to read people and set boundaries.

I have always said, "It is better I am taken advantage of by another, rather than me be the one to take advantage of someone weaker than me."  Namaste.

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