Saturday, October 7, 2017

I Thank God George Washington Was Not a Lawyer

George Washington warns the nation in his Farewell Address to beware of those in power in government. This is a short summary of what he said:

"What does the first president of a new nation, spawned by violent revolutionary war against the world's mightiest imperial power, say upon his departure? George Washington in 1796 warns his fellow countrymen (blacks and women could not vote at this time) "The habits of free thinking in a free Country" should prevail and that the division of powers between the different "spheres of government' (i.e. branches) should be jealously guarded. But he suspected this would not be the case over time and that one branch of government would prevail over the others (a new monarch?) and that this would be "the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed."

Young people today, as young generations before, are naive to the way laws are enforced once allowed to be put in place by politicians.  On the surface a law seems good for everybody, but once in the hands if the Federal government politicians, the lawyers will disempower the the average citizen.

I submit a personal case in point of gun law.  I live in a county where the judge wants Federal gun control laws in place, he believes "it is the right thing to do."  Since the Federal government has not been able to do this he has made it impossible to get a legal gun license in my county.  How?  I paid the monies needed, I took the gun safety course required, I had all requirements completed  with the character references written and went to complete the final step to become a legal gun permit licensed holder.  Once at the police station, I was told the judge now wanted each character reference person who already wrote one page for me, to now write a two page document on why they believe I am of good character to get this license.

The policeman told me this judge will not let you get a gun permit. (Even though it is my constitutional right to get one.) The policeman told me this judge will throw up more and more paperwork roadblocks until I give up.  I did not get my license, I do not own a gun, but I got an education of how lawyers/judges/politicians get what they want even if it is against my constitutional right. 

If the Federal Government gets this foothold, if they fool the average American into thinking gun control will stop gun violence, the government will put laws into place to stop anyone that takes an aspirin as being unfit to own a gun.

The second amendment was put in place to help the average citizen keep political tyrants, dictators, despotism, from over powering them in their homes. Make no mistake, when the government gets involved with individual rights being detailed, the right will soon be removed.  Look at history.

In the video posted on facebook about gun control. Obama never answered the man's questions about: Why Chicago has strict gun laws in place yet has the highest murder numbers in America? It is because people kill people. No law will stop this, but a gun in the hand of a law abiding citizen can possibly stop a murderer.

The only peace I have ever known, I found inside of me.  In this I rest because the world will never have world peace until every person stops violently blaming others, pointing fingers, and wanting death to anyone that disagrees with them. Any politician that wishes death on a fellow American needs to be taken out of office immediately.

We may be imperfect but this free government is the first of its kind in the world and in time with good, morally upright, law abiding politicians in place, (We need to vote a few out now...) we are still the country immigrants come to for our individual freedoms and the opportunities here. Let's keep it that way.

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